Friday, July 13, 2012

Peppy Pizza

She was a happy pizza.  Her cheese was all melted and bubbly, and her crust was  nice golden brown color. The pepperoni's were baked to perfection and the seasonings were just right.  Yes, she was very happy indeed....That is until she was carried out and set upon the table where a family of five savages stared at her hungrily.  Drool dripped from their open mouths and their fangs seemed to glisten in the light.  Their eyes were filled with a hungry fire and their hand went straight for plates and silverware.

Now at this point time seemed to freeze for Peppy Pizza.  She was about to be eaten by these monsters that surrounded her, and she had no way of stopping it.  Her life was about to end.  Her life flashed before her eyes and she saw everything that had happened since she had first been mixed together in the mixer.  She just remembered things coming into focus until everything was crystal clear.  Then the nice baker man had taken her out of the mixer machine and gave her a massage until she was all flat and feeling great.  Then all that sauce and cheese and spices that they put on her.  It tickled a bit but she enjoyed it.  The best part though had been tanning in the oven, oh by did it feel awesome!  Then she'd been taken out of the oven, happy as can be, but then she had been taken out to these beasts...these...humans, if that was what they were called.  She began to cry, sauce spilling out onto the table cloth.

"Do not cry child," said a voice.  Peppy Pizza looked up to see a jar filled with staring bread sticks.  All of them looked at her with pity on their faces.  One of the monsters grabbed a bread stick and began eating it, but the bread stick did not cry, in fact it seemed to be enjoying being eaten.

"Doesn't it hurt?" asked Peppy Pizza stuffily.

"Not at all, it tickles, it fees great!" laughed the bread stick just before the savage stuffed the rest of him in its mouth.

Peppy Pizza felt a little better, until they began slicing her up.  Her screams were heard all over the pizza parlor as the monsters cut her up into slices, red tomato sauce squirting all over the place.  The cheese and eggs in the fridge heard her, and the carrots and lettuce heard her as well.  Even the ketchup and salt and pepper heard Peppy's screams of agony.  And when they began to eat her, it did not tickle.  It was the most painful thing she had ever felt.  Actually it was the only painful thing Peppy had ever felt, but it certainly hurt.  She cried as the bread sticks laughed at her pain.

"Now you know what it feels like Peppy Pizza!" spat the biggest bread stick.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO" shouted Peppy Pizza, but then she woke up and realized it had all been a dream.  In fact she was not a pizza at all, he was a twenty-five year old man who lived in a nice apartment complex in New York City.  So Bill got up and ate breakfast and went to work.  He was a therapist.  So before his first patient got there he decided to talk to himself about the dream, to find out what it meant.  In the end he agreed with himself that the dream meant that you should never be a pizza.

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