Friday, July 6, 2012

The Adventures of Rob the Bob #2

When we last left Rob, he had just gone from being 5'5" to 1.3" tall...or short.

Rob had just climbed into the car that the lab techs had shrunken with the ray gun and was about to start it when the ground began to shack violently.  The lab techs were now wheeling the ray gun out of the room and it was causing quite a racket for poor rob.  Rob the Bob started the miniature car up and began driving towards the door.  He was almost at the door when the techs typed in a code on the other side, sealing the door shut.  There was a way to open it from the inside, but the keypad was at least a half a mile up in Rob's standards.  Rob growled in frustration and banged the steering wheel with his fist.  BAM!  The airbag went off and hit poor Rob in the mouth busting his lip and making it bleed.  He groaned in pain and then climbed out of the car.  He stared up at the door and then an idea.  He began honking the horn in the car, hoping that someone might hear it.  While it was plenty loud for Rob the Bob, he figured it was barely audible for a normal person, if at all.  Rob was certainly in a pickle right now.  Too bad he didn't have a pickle though he thought.  He was hungry.

The next day the door was opened once again.  Rob the Bob had fallen asleep inside the car, but he suddenly found himself being lifted off the ground.  One of the lab techs had picked up the car and was carrying it into the main part of the laboratory.  Rob began to beep the horn furiously.  The lab tech looked around and then realized where the sound was coming from.  The lab tech, Jim, looked at the car in surprise.

"Must have set the alarm off!" he said with a chuckle.  But then he caught sight of the tiny little driver that was Rob.  "Rob!"  exclaimed Jim in surprise.

"JIM!"  shouted Rob the Bob at the top of his lungs out the window, "AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU.  THE RAY GUN BEAM HIT ME AND SHRUNK ME.  CAN YOU MAKE ME GROW AGAIN?"

"Make you grow again?" asked Jim looking puzzled, "OH!  You mean with the ray gun?  Well I'm terribly sorry to tell you this Rob, but the ray gun is broken.  After the test it sort of died on us.  We're working on getting it up and running again, but I have no idea how long that will take!"

"WHAT AM I GOING TO DO JIM?" asked Rob in a distraught voice.

"You can come to my house," said Jim, "and I'll let you stay in my daughter's doll house."  Jim laughed until he saw Rob's expression and stopped immediately.  "Well seriously, I'll take care of you until we get this thing fixed Rob, don't you worry."

Jim took Rob home with him that evening.  They also took the little car so that Rob could get around more easily.  When they entered the house Jim put poor Ron the Bob up on the kitchen counter, not thinking about the great danger of doing so.  For up on that counter was sitting the family cat, Kritter.  It was the ugliest thing in the world, but had the sweetest disposition...except for one it saw small objects that looked good for chewing on.  Then it became a raging, terrifying monster.  When it caught sight of Rob the Bob, it let out a loud hiss that sounded like a roar to Rob.  Kritter's fur stood on end and it slowly prowled towards poor Rob the Bob!  The worst part was that Jim had left the room to get some things for Rob to use, and Rob was all alone.

Tune in next time to see how Rob the Bob get's away from Kritter the Cat in The Adventures of Rob the Bob!

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