Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The 4th of July

So it's the 4th of July!  Time to break out the grills and coolers.  Throw on the burgers and hotdogs, ribs and steaks.  Throw some soda and beer on a pile of ice in the cooler.  Invite friends over and have a great time.  Don't forget the fireworks!  The 4th just ain't the 4th without those busting, colorful, beauties to light up the night sky.  It's a great day for parties and fun.  

But think, what was the 4th like 236 year ago.  The day the Declaration of Independence was adopted and America was freed the British rule.  We became a free nation, but not until after a bloody and brutal war between the states and the English.  Many lives were lost.  Sure, Independence Day was a day of celebration, but not everyone could celebrate I'm sure.  What about the families who lost loved ones in the war?  I'm sure there are families today, right now this very minute, mourning the loss of a loved one in battle. Not everyone can celebrate and have a great time today, here in the states or out on the battlefield.

So happy 4th of July everyone, but please do not forget why we celebrate it.  And PLEASE, do not forget those who gave their lives, are giving their lives, and will give their lives for our freedom.  Support our troops, and God bless America, we sure need it.

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