Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Adventures of Rob the Bob #1

Being only 5"5' was not so bad for Rob the Bob.  In fact he learned to enjoy his height (or lack thereof) from an early age.  He could fit into many places most people could not, and he could still jump pretty high.  He was a skinny fellow, mostly skin and bones.  He had medium length, blonde, wavy hair.  He had light blue eyes and was considered attractive by most women.  In fact he had over heard a group of women commenting on how "cute" he was just the other day at a party.  They proceeded to make comments on his shortness though.  Rob walked away not caring, with a little "Psh."  He could care less what people thought about his height, or about himself in general.  If people liked him then that was all very well, but if someone had a problem with him, he felt it was up to them to confront him about it personally.  Wait.  Who was he kidding.  Rob was sick and tired of being short now.  He'd been fine with it until about a month ago when three times in a row he was stuck behind someone much taller than he in the theater.  This had happened before, but it was just too much now.  Still, he couldn't complain outwardly.  Grumbling inwardly was fine for him.  Either way, Rob the Bob was mostly happy with life.  God had blessed him in many other ways, if not in height.

For instance, Rob the Bob had an excellent job working as a Lab Technician for some government agency.  The current project they were working on was a large ray gun thingamajig that Rob could never remember the name of.  It was always referred to as the"ray gun" anyway.  It's purpose was to shrink and grow things to make traveling easier.  Switch the switch to "Shrink" and the object you shot with the ray gun would shrink to 10-50 times its usual size.  Flip the switch to "Grow" and shoot the object and it grows back to its normal size.  That was the theory anyway.  It hadn't been tested yet.  But it was about to be tested today.  They were going to be testing it out on an old wrecked car to start with.  Eventually they wanted to try a big passenger airplane.  If it could be shrunk 10-50 times its usual size, it could be transported far more easily.  Same with the car.  Rob the Bob was day dreaming about how nice it would be to be able to fit his car into a bag and carry it around with him.  This of course would be pointless, but what a way to impress your friends!  There was a tap on his shoulder and a fellow lab tech informed him it was time for the test.

Rob the Bob and two other techs were standing at the machine, wearing goggles and ready to go.  The car had been placed at the end of a long room and the ray gun was adjusted to hit it right smack in the middle.  They had set it so it would shrink he car to 50 times its normal size.  So it would be like splitting the car up into 50 equal parts, but the car would end up being the size of one of those parts.  They powered the ray gun up and then pressed the button.  A bright light shot forth from the tip of the ray gun just as one of the techs tripped and bumped the machine.  The ray gun was pushed to the side and the beam of light hit the mirror on the side of the car.  It reflected the beam back towards the techs and BAM!  It ht poor Rob the Bob right in the face.  The ray gun stopped firing and the two lab techs began clapping at the miniature car at the end of the room.  They realized that Rob was not joining in on their celebration, but when they turned to ask why he was nowhere to be seen.  Poor Rob the Bob had been shrunk to 50 times his usual size, just like the car.  He stood on the floor, staring dumbfounded up at his towering lab technicians above him.  They did not see him and left the room, thinking Rob had left early, not realizing that he had been shrunk.  Rob looked around the ginormous room in distress.  Then he saw something that made him feel a little better.  He now had a car his size as well to get around in.

Tune in next time for more of The Adventures of Rob the Bob!

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