So this is a bit late I'm sure since I had this done over two weeks ago, but I just thought I'd write about it anyway. What did I have done you might ask? I had my four wisdom teeth taken out! I had had mouth surgery before as well as some teeth pulled, so I was ready for this. It wasn't exactly anything new, but it still, a lot! It hurt like crazy for the first week, and even now I still can't chew food in the back of my mouth. I'll probably be chewing food with my front teeth like a gopher for another month or so. But overall I seemed to recover quickly, which I was thankful for. So here's just a rundown of what I remember from the surgery.
We got to the oral surgeon's office and I was brought into the room where I laid down on the chair. I had taken a pill to sort of relax me before hand, and then they put laughing gas over my nose. I won't lie, I enjoyed that immensely. I wish they would just send you home with a tank of that stuff to help withe the pain! So after I was nice and giggly, the doctor then began attempting to stick a needle in my arm. He tried four times and failed to get a vein so finally he just stuck it in at my wrist area. I usually am not a big fan of needles, but I can handle them. But this time I was pretty much happy with being stuck so many times. I couldn't feel a thing. I was also too busy laughing at nothing. So then I fell asleep and woke up. Boom, just like that. I was in the room for an hour I was told, but it felt like no time had passed. That's drugs for you! Then I went home and had to have that nasty gauze in my mouth. Sure it helped with the bleeding, but still, it's not comfortable. And from there I just sort of did my thing. I had to eat soft foods and all that. I pretty much just ate stuff that I could shove to the pack of my throat with my tongue and swallow whole. Isn't that lovely?!?!?!?! Sadly the pain killer they gave me upset my stomach, so I ended up taking Ibuprofen. It wasn't bad at all really. Sure I had some painful moments the first week, but the medicine kept me pretty well off. I had no dry sockets thankfully!
The moral of this story is, eat your vegetables kids!
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