Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Vampire and the Wolf-girl

The Vampire and the Wolf-girl

Deep in the Black Mountains there lived a vampire by the name of Khan. He lived in a great castle guarded by his deathless Dark Knights. In the mountains around the castle were countless caves, big and small, inhabited by the dragons that Khan bred. Khan was the only dragon breeder for hundreds of leagues and they were not cheap. Khan was enormously rich, the cellars of his castle being full of gold and jewels. It was said that even the dragon caves were stuffed with countless treasures. Khan was ruler of the Black Mountains and the surrounding swamp lands.
Far to the east there lay the Grass Lands and the great Silver Wood. The woods were home to many creatures and beings including elves, centaurs, fauns, and sages, and wolves. It was also home to the queen of the Silver Wood, the wolf-girl named Alexandra. She was a beautiful girl with long dark hair and gray eyes that held all the secrets of the world. She lived in a large tree house in a massive sagewood tree. She bred wolves. They were not ordinary wolves but smart wolves that understood her words and voice and did as she commanded. They were her pack, and she led them. All who lived in the Silver Wood loved her and she ruled over them as a great queen.
In the north there lay the Cursed Mountains. Here the evil Lord Vorgath ruled over his filthy hordes of goblins. They were a plague of darkness on the land. The goblins roamed in great masses over the mountains. They began to creep into the Grass Lands and cause mayhem and shed much blood of the free folk there. So Alexandra rallied her people together and called upon Khan to help fight Vorgath's armies. Khan loved the wolf-girl with all his heart and vowed to do everything in his power to stop Vorgath and his goblins from destroying the Grass Lands and the Silver Wood. They met on the Plain Fields early one morning. On the other side of the fields stood the army of Vorgath. Vorgath was at the front of his forces atop a great ugly spider. Khan was at the front of his forced riding a large golden dragon named Vlador. The other dragons were behind him all bearing the Dark Knights that served Khan. Alexandra and her army of woodland folks stood next to Khan's. Vorgath made the first move, sending forth his legions of goblins. The battle was long and bloody, but it was won and the goblins and Vorgath were driven back to the Cursed Mountains, broken and battered. But it was not without a great price.
Khan had gotten off Vlador's back to fight on the ground with his Dark Knights. Though he slew hundreds of goblins he was finally overwhelmed and bound in chains. A wooden stake was then driven through his heart. Alexandra was fighting Vorgath himself when she was cut down by his cruel blade of silver. The dragons mourned the loss of their master and the folk of the Silver Wood cried long into the night at the death of their queen.

Vorgath rotted from his battle wounds and died in his castle. The goblins now leaderless feared to leave the Cursed Mountains. The dragons lived on in the Black Mountains and the Dark Knights still watched over Khan's castle. The Silver Wood never again had another queen, but the folk there lived in peace for the rest of their days. Khan and Alexandra lived on in eternity in the afterlife, together forever.

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