Thursday, January 23, 2014

That Moment When Your Heart Stops

She stood at the edge of the cliff.  Should she jump?  No the fall would surely kill her.  But maybe that was a better death than the one behind her.  Who knew what he would do to her, but killing her slowly, that was a sure thing.  Slowly and painful.  Most likely there would be lots of blood.  He would mutilate her, once he was done using her body.  He was the sickest of the sick.  She knew it.  She'd heard all the reports of what he'd done to those other women.  Twelve other women.  She would be the thirteenth.

A thought crossed her mind.

Thirteen was an unlucky number.  No, she wasn't really superstitious.  But maybe, just maybe, he'd be caught this time.  Maybe thirteen would be his unlucky murder and the police would catch and send him to hell.  That was where he belonged.  Hell.  The deepest most evil part of it.

She wasn't sure where she was going.  Would she go to heaven?  She had gone to church since she was a little girl.  But her heart had never really been in it.  She believed in God...she believed in her savior.  Yes...she was going to heaven.  She was sure of it.  She was sure of it.

What would her family feel like.  They would miss her probably.  She's never been close with her brothers and sisters, or even her parents for that matter. But she knew they would miss her, just as much as she would miss them if they died.

She was going to die.  She could jump off this cliff to the rocky waters below.  Or she could wait to be raped and ripped up by the mad man chasing her.

She looked behind her.  Any moment he'd be coming around that corner, carrying his evil ax.

Alex.  She was going to miss Alex.  They'd been together since highschool.  He was her best friend.  If there ever was a real Prince Charming it was her beloved Alex.  She had tried to call him before she lost her phone.  There had been no answer and she hadn't had time to leave a message.  She only wanted to tell him she loved him one last time.

She couldn't jump.  She just couldn't do it.  She collapsed on the ground and began to cry.  She began to shake.  She closed her eyes and curled up in a ball.  She waited.

A hand grabbed her shoulder.  Instinctively she screamed and lashed out with her hand.  She wasn't going down without a fight.

"Marissa!" called a voice.

She opened her eyes.

"ALEX!" she screamed and flung her arms around him.  He was covered in blood.

"You're alright, I've got you now."  he said as she sobbed into his shoulder.  He wrapped her tightly in his arms.

"What happened?  How did you find me?"

"I tracked your phone from the office when I saw you called.  I had a feeling something was wrong.  I found your car...I saw the tracks."

"Did you see...him?"

"He's dead Mar...I shot him."

"Alex....I love you."

"I love you too.  Let's get you home."

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