Friday, July 12, 2013

The Gossamer Night

Sky, oh sky, the vast expanse its beacons
Clouds, swiftly and softly as the sun's soft glow illuminates
The setting begins, as twinkling diamonds appear
The sky, oh the sky, a brilliant shade of purple further up
Blood red, bright orange and pink horizon-ward
Trees set against, outlined in light, still and silent
The quiet of a summer night sets in, only crickets
Only chirps from those tiny insects playing their piece
Off, far away, the screech, the howl, the night creatures' cry
Echo softly in the valley, sounding, bounding empty
The darkness slowly creeps in and the moon beams
It's turn is up, it's time has come
Gracefully it rises, craters showing, surface glowing
Arching it's neck the North Star points forward, blinking
As if to say, that way, adventure is that way
But you are silent, you are sleeping
Quietly, safely in your bed, soft sheets covering you
Comfortably situated, the silken night moves around you
Deep sleep, pleasant dreams of someone you love
Somewhere you know, somewhere you've never been
A mystery, sprinkled with soft sparkling lights
Waiting, it is calling, and you are wading
Wading through streams of gossamer, hands brushing softly
Eyes fixed forward, the mind alert but content
All is well, all is peaceful, and your adventure begins
The North Star is pointing, and you are walking
Walking in dreams, guided by soft lights
The ones you love, your dearest friends
You begin your adventure and so starts the greatest end
And so it ends, and you wake
The morning sun greets you and you smile
Rested, at peace, a new day dawns
Good morning as you step from your bed of dreams
Another day worked towards another night
A halcyon night walking in gossamer streams

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