Monday, July 22, 2013

Forest Floor

Scattered with green lichen, soft glowing moss
Fallen leaves and twigs of snapped fingers of trees
Twinkling stars peer through the branches, eyeing the busy cities
Not of humans but animals, and critters and things
Tiny creatures, fairies and miniature trolls, unicorns and dragons
Minotaurs and centaurs, druids and fauns and bugs large and small
Dwarfs came too, from far away lands, not the forest but the mountains
Stone was their strength, rock solid and grim their faces
The elves were there also, just passing through
They came from the heart of the forest, where magic grew
The humans are far away, unaware of the life within
The trees hold them back and protect the secret held deep
They go about their business, busy and working hard
They have no adventures and they drive violently in their cars
But deep in the forest, roaming the floor, are adventurers right and left
Large and small of all sorts of races, ogres and giants were a rare treat
To see such towering massive brutes, with hearts as large as boulders
They were frightening to look at, but friendly once you got to know them
They were all apart of the adventure
And everyday was a new adventure, but the humans never knew
Their dull drab lives were lived on, while the forest was truly alive
All the creatures, big and small, knew the secret to happiness
It was not fame or fortune, or even forcing a smile
But adventure, oh adventure, that was where it lay
It was not easy, nay life was not made to be easy
But that only added to the excitement, and added to the joy
The creatures they knew what they were here for
They weren't made to live easy lives, and the adventures were all around
Not easy, but challenging and trying, but they brought joy
Because in the end the suffering was worth the reward, and oh joy!
What an adventure they all had, those forest creatures
While the humans live on in their own world, complaining and sorrowful
Because they didn't know their lives were adventures, so they put them away
They lived them like all humans, boring and dull, the same thing
Day after day and not knowing the truth, happiness found in work
Work is your adventure, every day around you, adventure adventure
But the forest knew it, and all who lived there too
All those creatures who walked the forest floor

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