Thursday, July 18, 2013


Fruit loops and happy things, silly string and water balloons
Water guns and bright colored flowers, breakfast for dinner and chocolates
Staying up late and sleeping in, going on adventures wherever we want
Crazy times and crazy ideas, head-banging music and dancing
Being silly just because we can not caring what other people think
We're too cool, we're too much fun for everyone else
I bet their jealous because we're having the time of our lives
When they're in their day jobs and we're still partying
No matter where we are, we're having fun, we're on adventures
Summer time, ukuleles, banjos, guitars, pianos, singing songs
Oh the good times are rollin' and we're just showin'
Everybody what we're made of, and we're made of fun and games
All day long, and we'll be goofballs and we'll be silly
Because life is too fun to take so serious, and we remember
So many people forget that, but not you and I, because yeah, we're cool
We be fly, whatever the heck that means, but it works I guess
Whatever slang terms we can think of that mean flat out stinkin' awesome
Well, we can use those terms, and even if other people don't agree
Who cares?
The beach, the sand, the rolling waves, the way you laugh, you're cute smile
Oh the wind that's blowin' your hair and carrying us along
In our big red balloon, flyin' high above the road watching
Watching all the cars they're driving like ants, hurrying and rushed
But baby we got all the time in the world, and we're just smiling to ourselves
We're flyin' we're floating we're having the time of our lives
And who's going to stop us, no one can take away our imagination
And boy, do we have imagination

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