Saturday, July 13, 2013

Giving It All You've Got

When you're in that giddy mood
But it's between a point of heartbreak and a smile
Cracked at the top broken in the bottom
You got something to say, you've got to mean it
Talk to me, talk to me make me feel it more
If this is how we're going to be then I'm OK
You just make laugh, you make me smile
Just like before but better
Is it better or am I just saying that?
Either way I'm happy, for you, for me, for us
When you're in that pity mood, feeling sorry
Not for yourself, but for everyone else and you know
Something's going to change even if it kills you
Because you can't go backwards, you gotta go up
Forwards, not down, and keep smiling
Because you know that you got work to do
Hard work and lots of it, give it give it all
Because everyone is worth it, because you don't live
Live for yourself, no, you live for others
And look at me now, look at us, the things we've learned
We're OK you and I, and I'm thinking it'll be great
And in the end in the end things are great
And everyone is happy and those fairy tale endings
The ones we thought we'd never see, they're there
And you're dancing with the love of your life
Everything is right and everything is good
Baby give it all you got
You've got to give it all you've got

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