Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Who Are You Even?

"So I met this guy.  He was a crazy guy.  Always going on and shouting about voices that would tell him crazy things.  All sorts of conspiracies and stuff, you know.  He was trying to warn me about the government doing something, trying to take over our lives with computers or something.  He kept going on and on about it, saying how it was so important we protect our brains."

"That's pretty crazy I guess."

"You're tellin' me!  I said to the guy, I think you're pretty much safe as you are.  You don't need to worry about anything.  He just walks away shouting about it still, leaves me like he never talked to me at all....So my daughter is in a talent show at school.  She's playing the flute.  She's been playing since she was old enough to talk.  She's ten now.  She's a real angel, let me tell you.  If you've ever seen a cuter kid I'll give you a hundred bucks!  Here take a look at this picture of her!"

"She's cute alright."

"Yeah she is.  She's so excited to be in the talent show bless her heart.  She's been practicing all day....My wife was at the grocery store the other day and some guy just cuts her off, steals her spot you know! Now my wife, you gotta understand she's no pushover.  She tells the guy off and she tells me he starts cussing her out! He's gotta alotta nerve!  Oh boy, let me tell you if I had been there that guy would have been sorry!  You know what I'm saying?  People have some nerve don't they?"

"Yeah...they sure do..."

"I know, I know some people seem to be totally oblivious, thinking they are the only person in the world or something.  Oh look at me, I'm God's gift to me....Well anyway, my boss gave me a couple tickets to a football game, I figured I would take my son, have some good father son bonding time, you know?  I think that would be nice you know what I mean?"

"Nope.  I don't really give a crap.  Bye."


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