Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Bombs Dropped-Preface to a book I am writing

 There was a sound like thunder and the ground cracked in two. A massive cloud of fire and smoke erupted towards the sky and a rushing shock wave blew outwards in all directions. Buildings were demolished miles around and the radiation seeped into the crevices of the earth. Hundreds of thousands of people were dead, consumed by flames or having the life crushed out of them by sheer force of power. Tree and shrubs were stripped of their leaves and branches and even the bark. The devastation was intense and unlike any other the world had ever seen. The bombs dropped and the world went up in flames and was consumed by fire and radiation leaving few survivors. Eighty-five percent of the population was dead. Fourteen percent were mutated into horrible monsters with a thirst for blood. The remaining one percent were poisoned with enough radiation to grant them long life, but at the cost of having some painful sickness like a bloody cough or awful migraines that plagued them for the rest of their lives.
As time progressed the population slowly began to increase. The survivors started colonies, formed alliances, and began to rebuild. A powerful government arose called The Council lead by a mysterious power-hungry leader known only as The Judge. The Council took it upon themselves to rule over the land that became known as Mandolia. All the villages became under the rule of The Judge who sat on his throne in the capital castle Rockheart.
Strange human beings with super powers started appearing throughout the land. They became known as Light-bringers and became the heroes of the wastelands. They brought justice and order to the land, but also began to oppose the forces of The Council. Though some were not so good intentioned and joined forces with The Council. Even still they were Light-bringers, bringing forth light into the new world.

Slowly the world began to rebuild itself, but not without conflict. The winds of war blew even as the world struggled to survive.

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