Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Chimney stacks lining the sky
Puffing out clouds of dust and machine parts
Make a new wave they said, make a new piece of the puzzle
But we were all made to break
And it was apparent that that was the reason
That we lost the war that said winter season

And a soft wind blew through the air as blood dripped
Slowly from the lips of a dead man hung and lashed
His sword lay on the ground no longer a weapon but a symbol
A symbol of failure and the end of life
So sits the crow eyeing his next feast, deliciously

Now the widow morns her lost loved one
The children do not understand
And the machine parts and dust float by
Polluting the air and deadening the bright sunlight
A gray haze, clouds, and a light drizzle of blood from the skies
All left behind from the hate of the world
And the war that we so lovingly waged upon one another

Why do we hate, why do we war, why do we hate, WHY DO WE WAR?

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