Monday, May 23, 2016

St. Cloud Hospital

Mark lay on his side trying to fall asleep.  The guy in the next bed was making sure he couldn't.

"There were bodies everywhere...there were bodies everywhere...there were bodies everywhere," was all the man said over and over again rocking back and forth his knees pulled up against his chest.  "There were bodies everywhere..."

"Look I get that there were bodies everywhere but I need to sleep man," Mark said rolling over to look at his neighbor.  "Just go to bed, nothing can happen in here."

Why they had put Mark in the same room as this nut case he would never know.  Mark had tried to commit suicide due to severe depression and it had wound him up in an insane asylum.  Okay they weren't really called that anymore, but that's basically what it was.  Mark's lovely neighbor in the bed across had supposedly murdered eleven of his friends.  Mark was no psychologist but trying to kill yourself as opposed to slaughtering eleven people wasn't the same level of crazy or mentally ill.

"Nothing can happen in here?" the man said exasperatedly.  "What if I kill you too?"  Mark suddenly felt much better.

"Look, why don't you tell me what happened, from the beginning," Mark suggested.

"How will that help?"

"I don't think it will help really, but it might help get you to sleep at least."

"Ok..." the man took a deep breath, inhaling sharply, holding it for a second, and then exhaling slowly.  "Well me and some friends were on a backpacking trip in the Grand Canyon.  We were heading up a trail when I slipped and fell.  I hit my head on a rock or something a blacked out I guess....When I woke up, I was in pitch darkness.  I pulled my flashlight out of my bag and shined it around.  I was in some sort of cave and all my friends...dead...all dead, stabbed to death on the bloody knife lay on the ground at my feet..."

"How did you kill eleven people?  I mean none of them were able to stop you?  That doesn't seem to make sense," said Jack thoughtfully.

"Well how else could they have died?"

There was a knock the door opened.  The light flicked on and a man in a business suit stood there.

"Eric," the suit man said, "I have good news that couldn't wait."

"What is it, Fred?" the man named Eric asked.

"The stab wounds on the victims don't even match your knife, and the blood on your knife doesn't belong to any of the victims either, in fact they don't even think it's human blood.  You're innocent Eric!"

"Really?  Innocent?  But...what...who?"

"We don't know, they're still investigating the scene for my clues and evidence.  But you'll be able to leave in the morning."

Mark had an uneasy feeling.  Something didn't sound right.

Mark woke up the next morning to an empty room.  Eric had obviously checked out already.  Mark got out of bed, did some stretches and push ups and then left left the room for breakfast which was in five minutes.

The hall was littered with bodies everywhere.  Patients, nurses, and doctors all stabbed to death, lying in pools of blood.

"What the heck happened?"  Mark gasped out loud.

He turned around and before him as a monstrous creature with huge long sharp claws.  It let out a howl before it stuck its claws into Mark, killing him.

St. Cloud Hospital was shut down after that.  There could be no cover up, and no one would want to stay there after that.  The beast was never caught, or even seen for that matter.  But it was confirmed this was no humans' doing.  The hospital stood upon it's lonely hill on the edge of the city.  People who lived near it say they still see lights flickering in the windows, and here wolf-like howls coming from the grounds.  Naturally daring teenagers and adventures have sneaked into the hospital grounds.  They've either come back bored and disappointed, or never come back at all.

But the new mental hospital on the other side of town is very nice.

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