Monday, January 28, 2013


           Matt was sick.  He knew he was too.  There was no other explanation for it.  He was feeling dizzy.  Beads of sweat were beginning to form on his forehead, even though it was very cold in the room.  His mind was racing.  What should he do first?  How should he handle the situation?  He didn't even know where to begin.  He was lost.
            Fay stood staring at him, as he sat slumped against the wall, his leg bleeding where he had been bitten by the zombie.  She was not sure if she could believe what was happening.  She was not sure she wanted to believe it.  This was not supposed to happen.  It could not end like just couldn't....A tear slowly rolled down her cheek.  What could she do?  She couldn't save him; that was impossible.  She didn't even know where to begin.  She was lost.
            The others were standing around the small room.  Two of them were at the door, holding it.  The infected were outside, pounding on the steel door, trying to gain entry.  They had bolted the door and pushed furniture in front but Joe and Henry were still standing by leaning against the chairs and tables.  Amber and Silos were standing around the room catching their breath.  Amber looked at Matt's leg.  It was bad.  He was infected now. It would be a matter of hours, maybe less.  Amber saw Fay.  She simply stood there looking at horror at her boyfriend lying on the ground against the wall.  Fay was crying.
            “Let's get up to the roof guys,” said Joe. “They aren't getting through this door anytime soon, and unless they can figure out how to climb the ladder and open the hatch we'll be safer up there.”
            “We'll freeze though,” said Silos.
            “We have to take that chance,” said Henry. “We can build a fire or something, but we shouldn't stay down here.”
            “Matt should,” said Joe. “He's been bitten, he'll be one of them soon.”
            “Well we can deal with that when we get to that point right?” Fay said tears in her eyes.
            “We should just kill him now, get it over with,” said Amber still staring at her brother sitting on the floor, bleeding.
“Am I going to get a say in this?” asked Matt.  He was sweating more and more.
“What do you want to do Matt?” asked Joe.
“I want you all to go up to the roof, but I want you to stay Fay...if you want to,” Matt said.  He felt selfish for asking it, but the fact was, he was scared.  He was trying not to show it, but he was, and he wanted to be with Fay.  He felt safe around her.
“Yes of course,” said Fay kneeling down next time Matt, resting her hand on his shoulder.  Tears were rolling down her cheeks now.
“Alright, you heard him, let's go then,” said Joe.
They started making their way up the ladder.  Henry stopped to give a grim nod to Matt before he started climbing up.  Now only Matt's sister Amber and his girlfriend Fay were left.  Amber was not crying.  She had always been rather emotionless since the incident with their mother when they were kids, and the events of the past two days had desensitized her even more.  She was still simply staring at Matt.  Matt looked back at her.  He didn't know what to say.  They had never been close, and he was regretting that now.
“Amber –” he began saying.
“Hush, just listen to me,” Amber said. “You're my brother, I love you, I don't want you to die...but it's happening. I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more time together, but that's how it is...”  She walked past them towards the ladder.
As she started to climb Matt saw tears starting to form in her eyes.  But he said nothing.  He had nothing to say to that...or he just didn't know what to say.  He looked at Fay.  She had her head bowed, she was praying again.  She did that a lot.  She thought it made things better...maybe it did...maybe it didn't.  Matt didn't really know.  He used to pray all the time.  When he was young he had gone to church every day with his family, even after their mother’s accident.  But when he had turned eighteen and had gone off to college he had sort of stopped.  His father tried to keep on top of it at first but eventually gave up, Amber usually only called him on his birthdays, and she never went to church as far as he knew.  His brother was a devout Christian and had been married and had lots of kids.  He was a good man, and Matt was proud of him, and was closer with him than most people realized.  Then he had met Fay, who went to church, and started going with her, but he had never gotten back into it.  He figured if there was a God, He wasn't the wonderful God that the preacher always talked about.  If God was real, where was He right now?
“Fay,” Matt said. “Are you going to sit there talking to someone who won't answer you or are you going to talk to me?”  She looked up.
“God always answers my prayers Matt, in one way or another,” she replied. “What is there to talk about?  Maybe we should just be quiet, and enjoy the rest of our time together?”
“Yes, that would be nice...”  He wanted to talk, but at the same time, what was there to talk about?
Fay sat down and leaned against the wall curling up against Matt's chest.  Suddenly Matt felt at peace, and so did Fay.  His hand found hers and their fingers intertwined, both of them trying to show as much love for each other as they could through that physical connection.  They sat there, silent.  The only sound came from the sound of pounding on the door from the outside.  That sound slowly died away and then they were left in complete silence.  It was so quiet now they could hear each other breathing.  The sound comforted Matt even more.  And then it angered him.  He suddenly had the urge to bite Fay.  He sat up suddenly knocking her over.
“Matt? Are you alright?” she asked.
He looked at her.  She began to move away, fear in her eyes.
“No...wait...I'm fine…sorry, I just got startled was all...”
“Are you sure?”
“Y-yes I'm fine...”
She moved back over to him and they leaned back against the wall together.  They held hands again.  Fay rested her head on Matt's shoulder.  It had been an hour now, at least.  Matt didn't know much longer he had.  He thought maybe he should make her leave now…but he didn’t want to be alone, not just yet.  Then he remembered something.
“Fay…” he said.
“Do you remember that one time, years ago, when you told me that you never wanted to see me again?”  He asked her.  She choked out a laugh through her tears.
“Yes I do.  We were so foolish back then, so immature.”
“We’re much more mature now, well you are at least,” he said with a wink.
“Why do you bring it up?”
“Well…it’s just amazing, remembering that, and how I felt…and now here you are, waiting with me until…you know…”
She smiled and was silent for a few minutes.  Then she spoke what was on her mind.
“Matt, where do you think you’re going to go after you….you know,” neither of them could say “die.”
“I don’t know Fay, but I doubt its heaven,”
“But I wish it were!  Why don’t you believe anymore Matt?"
“God’s never been there for me!”
“Yes he has, I’ve seen it, others have seen it, I know He has a plan for you.  You just have to trust in our Savior.”
“Yeah…” that was all he could say.
Fay was silent.  Matt realized though, that was what he wanted.  He wanted a savior.  He needed Jesus.  He needed God.  That was his last thought before his mind went out, like a blank light.  Fay jumped back as Matt began jerking back and forth violently.
“RUN!” he shouted, but it didn’t quite sound like Matt.
She screamed and made for the ladder but tripped and fell to the ground.  Before she could get up Matt had jumped on her and was clawing at her.  She tried to fight him off, kicking and punching at him...but he was too strong.  His bloodshot eyes were crazed and hungry as he gnashed his teeth at her.  They struggled back and forth.  Fay tried to grab her gun but before she could Matt found her flesh with his teeth.  She screamed out in pain as blood sprayed across her face...and so the feast began.  That was all it took for Matt to finish her off, biting her throat, tearing it out.
Up on the roof Amber thought she heard screams from below.  She jumped up grabbing her rifle and opened the hatch.  She shined her flashlight down to the floor below.  She saw a bloody mess, Fay's body torn and ripped open, Matt eating her.  Matt looked up screaming at her and began jumping at the wall and ladder trying to get at her.
            Amber wiped a single tear away and then fired a single round into her brother's head.

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