Monday, January 7, 2013

A Little Encouragement

I've never been one to see "signs" from God or anything.  Once when I was little I thought I saw an angel, but then again, I thought I saw a lot of things when I was little.  And being the reformed Presbyterian I was, growing up in a very  strict and conservative OPC church I didn't believe in modern day miracles.  But miracles happen all the time I now know.  Babies are born, someone miraculously survives a car crash or an explosion, stuff like that.  Miracles are things that we saw in the olden days of the Bible, things like Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, making the blind man see, the apostles speaking in tongues, and things like that, and they are also the little things that we often take for granted. While we don't see the outlandish raising of the dead and unbelievable healing in the same way today, there are many miracles big and small all around us each and every day. Our very own lives are miracles.

I cannot deny the fact that miracles happen on a regular basis.  Whether we see them or not they are there.  I think we get caught up in all the bad things that go on around us.  It's easy to do. I know because I do it all the time. But we should try and be more inclined to sit back for a moment and focus on the good things in our lives, many of which could and probably should be considered miracles.

So here is the encouraging part.

The other day I was walking up the front walk after getting home from work.  I had had a long and stressful day, and wasn't exactly happy at that moment.  I was trying to find my key to unlock the door to get into the house when I heard something drop.  It was part of a piece to this little key chain I had on my keys.  I had gotten then key chain from some friends at my 18th birthday and I had had it on my keys ever since...but I had sort of forgotten about it.  Only then when it broke and I picked up the piece did I see and remember what was on that key chain.  Right at that very moment when I was feeling rather hopeless and let down, I read the verse on that key chain for the first time in months.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart... Proverbs 3:5.  That isn't the whole verse no, but just that small portion of the verse, those 8 little words gave me hope....The funny thing is, I didn't even realize it at the time...but the more I thought about it the more amazed I was at that "coincidence" at that moment and time.  Or maybe it was something more, maybe it was one of those miracles we brush past and don't stop to really consider.  Maybe it was God saying to me "You're not alone."

Proverbs 3:5-Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.


  1. I dont think we can reject the idea of Miracles based on there miraculousness they either do or do not occur if anything good exists it is a Miracle, in a world where everything if fallen we should not see any good that on its own is a Miracle. i think there is often a category mistake between something being natural and something being "miraculous" it is not that there is anything natural about our world. to pretend our world is natural by any means is due to a lack of amazement and thankfulness not a height of enlightenment as to the workings of it.

    austin janey

  2. Meh, you have a point. But there is still the issue of whether or not true miracles happen now a days or not.
