Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Something Came Out of the Ocean

Something came out of the ocean and it's still wandering about. No one knows what it is exactly, where it came from, or where it is going. All that anyone knows is that it leaves death and destruction in it's path. All I know, is that it's heading this way.

I first heard news of it on the radio. Every station was playing the reports about a mass of green-blue goo that had emerged from the ocean. Pictures were of course posted all across the internet. It was formless, shapeless, and seemingly size-less as there was no way to measure something that was constantly changing the way it was. One second it would be a small blob about the size of a basketball, and then it would be the size of a small car. The green-blue colors of the blob were slightly glowing and shifting in a sickening swirl. The blob had come out of the water and onto the beach where it was constantly surrounded by scientists and biologists, as well as crowds of people who wanted to get a look at this new strange discovery.

At one point one of the marine biologists on the team had cautiously approached the thing once they confirmed it wasn't radioactive or anything. This was all live broadcasted, mind you. She had reached out to touch it with a gloved hand, and as soon as it made contact with the blob she began screaming. Then she exploded. I don't mean a brain explosion, a burst blood vessel or something like that. I mean her whole body exploded as if she'd been boiled from the inside so fast that her body couldn't take the pressure. All this on live television. Needless to say the broadcast was cut short after.

News of the blob did not return until almost two weeks later. The long silence and sudden surge of news was due to a strange occurrence of mass black outs all across the west coast with about a one hundred mile radius of where the blob had come onto land. But this black out included everything. Flashlights didn't work, phones didn't work, cameras didn't work, cars wouldn't start, and some sources said that anyone with a pace maker was now dead. That last bit seemed trying to be kept hushed up though. When power and functionality had returned the blob was gone.

There were some reports that the very marine biologist who had turned into dropped lasagna was seen walking away from the scene good as new. This of course raised many theories as to the whereabouts of the blob and the biologist. The most common, and the one I am inclined to believe, is that the blob assumed the form the biologist. There were too many witnesses who saw her leave the area, and plenty more who'd seen her explode. As all this information came forth, new information interrupted it all.

Another black out, the same strange issues as before, was now happening further inland. Yet again there was about a one hundred mile radius as well as reports of exploding people. And so began the seeming pilgrimage of the blob. Though no one every saw the blob itself, the trail of death and destruction was enough. It was making its way straight across from west to east, indiscriminately killing in its path. This thing is headed right for my town. It's only a few hundred miles off now. The problem is, no one knows who it is. There are now constant reports of deaths, only to be later contradicted by witnesses seeing the dead walking away.

A terrifying thought occurred to me today. What if everyone that explodes and comes back is the blob? What if it's more than one person now? Authorities are urging people to stay in doors as the blackouts and deaths sweep across the land. I've barricaded myself indoors now with as much food and water as I could get in a short amount of time. Should be enough to last me a couple months if I ration it properly. I just have to wait for this thing from the ocean to pass. Hopefully it will go right back into the ocean. Hopefully it will stay there. Or they.

Something came out of the ocean, and I think it's going to bring a lot more back in.

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