Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I'm going back to my true home to gather my children.

 I recently found out that I was adopted. It was strange at first, catching me completely off guard and turning my world upside down. But as my parents began to explain things to me it immediately started to make sense more and more. In fact the more they explained, the more I felt relieved. It was as if my whole life was coming together. I'd been lost, though I never even realized it until that moment.

I have been having this dream every night for as long as I can remember. The first time must have been when I was around four or five years old, and every night since then I can remember it all perfectly vividly.

I'm swimming in the ocean, deep down, underwater. There should be no light down here yet I can see just fine. I know I am deeper down in the depths than is humanly possible, yet here I am. I am breathing like I am in air, but floating like I am in water. I am swimming north. I do not know how I know this, but I do. I am swimming north towards my home. Strange and monstrous creatures pass by me; gargantuan beasts unseen in the deep and long forgotten to time. They fear me. Every leviathan and behemoth that passes reeks of fear, and I inhale the intoxicating stench into my lungs and revel in the sensation. These beasts belong to me.

Soon I am close to my home. I see even further below me a gaping hole in the rocky ocean floor. It is pure blackness within until I swim through the entrance and my eyes adjust. The cave goes down further into the earth and then spills out into a cavern of massive proportions. The cave is larger than anything you have ever seen on earth. If I had to give a gauge of it's size I would say you could fit several Mt. Everests inside it. Perhaps stack a couple high, and a few length-wise if that makes sense. Within this magnificent cavern lies my home. My city, my kingdom, my people.

The towers of ancient coral and stone are erected in rows and rows all over the cavern floor, surrounding my castle sitting in the middle. It is taller than all the other buildings, with sharp and cruel looking spires standing all about. It is terrifying looking, and I love that it is so. There are countless windows in all the buildings, and even more in my castle. From every window I see the eyes of my subjects. They watch in fear and admiration. They are not like the dumb beasts I pass on the way here, but instead intelligent, shrewd, and loyal.

They are ugly beasts, but beautiful in their own way, and perfect to me. They are tall and thin, yet they have powerful arms and legs. They have webbed and clawed hands and feet, perfect for swimming, and perfect for tearing. They're black, piercing eyes can see in the dark and in the light, and their mouths are adorned with rows of sharp teeth made for one purpose. These creatures I molded and shaped into my beautiful children for one purpose, and one purpose only. The domination of the world.

But before I could execute my plan something happened. Long ago, thousands of years before humans began spawning there were many of us. We were powerful and we were hungry. We fought to gain footholds anywhere and any way we could. Many fought fruitlessly with ill-planned attacks and foolish rashness. But there were some, like myself, who were cold and calculated. We made smart decisions that led to absolute victory, and we slowly conquered the lesser of our kind, until only two of us remained. There was myself, and one other who's power I must admit worried even myself. I should have heeded my own heartful warnings.

My army was completed. My perfect subjects were ready to fight and I was ready to lead them into battle. But my opponent was too cunning. He wished to fight me one on one for the chance to end the war without large battles and destruction. He wished to keep the fight between us. I foolishly agreed, thinking my opponent was no match for my skill. That day I was humbled. He struck me down, harder and faster than I had ever thought possible and I was cast into a void of endless haunts and nightmares. I drifted for thousands of years, tortured and alone, until by chance I found a way out. A small portal to an unknown new life. I had heard tale of these, that they were rare, if not impossible to find. Yet here one was, beckoning me onward. That is how I came to be now.

I remembered all this as my parents told me that I was adopted and how they had found me. They said I was old enough to hear the truth and they did not want to lie to me my whole life. They found me one day while walking down on the beach. I was just a small, newborn baby wrapped in clumps of seaweed. I was laughing and clapping my hands as the ocean waves splashed up around me. They were shocked of course, but took it as a sign from God. They wanted a child but were not able to conceive, and had just been talking about adopting. They had been praying on it and thought that I was an answer to their prayers. Perhaps I was, but not from the God they thought they were praying to. Nevertheless, they have been good to me, and I plan to spare them once my campaign begins.

I of course have not told them anything about my dreams or about where I am going. I will leave early tomorrow leaving a simple note of goodbye. They will not understand where I am going, so explaining would be pointless.

I will gather my children and we will overtake this world. Consider this a warning. Once I am finished, I will hunt down my old opponent. If he still lives, I will crush him this time. Now I am prepared for his tricks, and nothing can stop me.

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