Friday, December 23, 2016

A Friend Indeed

Sleep, meet, miles apart
Nothing new is waking me up
Endless dreams, endless nightmares
I walk among the dead but they don't walk among me
I call your name but you don't hear me
Like a voice lost in wind I'm blown away
No one sees me and no one knows me in this town
Fake, and bloody, and beaten down to a pulp
My heart is bleeding, and I am seeking, and I'm not finding
My brain is beating and I'm thinking and I'm lost with timing
I'm in an endless dream that makes it feel like a nightmare
But it's not that bad but I'm not that happy
Sleep, meet me, miles apart you'll meet me
And I'll meet you, hand in hand we'll walk the fields
You and I because you know me better than anyone else
I don't know you, I don't know anything about you, and I feel awkward
Awkward to talk, awkward to stop and think
Because you know my thoughts
And now my mind has fought
I want to take a guess, I've got a hunch
Stepping on my hands with a loud crunch as they dissolve
Passed away like my soul is running dry
And I'm praying I'm hoping I try and I try
And you look down at me as I'm on my knees and hold out your hand
You say "Son, you need me to stand."

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