Thursday, December 29, 2016

Captain Goat

Flowing gently down the clouds in a row boat
The sails bellowing as the ship is guided by Captain Goat
And rocks appear on either side of the ship
And Goat guides the boat about for fear they might be hit
The clouds laugh as they float by and by
Thus the ship makes its way as it flies
Below evil monkeys leer and throw stones
Dashing the side of the ship with many rocks and stones
But Captain Goat knows just what to do
He pulls the wheel about and brings the ship through
Another wave of clouds to cover their location
And they are free at last, fleeing with no hesitation
As they come closer to the sun just around the bend
They see a THE END

Friday, December 23, 2016

A Friend Indeed

Sleep, meet, miles apart
Nothing new is waking me up
Endless dreams, endless nightmares
I walk among the dead but they don't walk among me
I call your name but you don't hear me
Like a voice lost in wind I'm blown away
No one sees me and no one knows me in this town
Fake, and bloody, and beaten down to a pulp
My heart is bleeding, and I am seeking, and I'm not finding
My brain is beating and I'm thinking and I'm lost with timing
I'm in an endless dream that makes it feel like a nightmare
But it's not that bad but I'm not that happy
Sleep, meet me, miles apart you'll meet me
And I'll meet you, hand in hand we'll walk the fields
You and I because you know me better than anyone else
I don't know you, I don't know anything about you, and I feel awkward
Awkward to talk, awkward to stop and think
Because you know my thoughts
And now my mind has fought
I want to take a guess, I've got a hunch
Stepping on my hands with a loud crunch as they dissolve
Passed away like my soul is running dry
And I'm praying I'm hoping I try and I try
And you look down at me as I'm on my knees and hold out your hand
You say "Son, you need me to stand."

Monday, December 19, 2016


Every morning I do what I want
Make some eggs make some toast
Do some orange do some juice
Make some coffee put the bacon on
And I'm all Chico get in here and work
And he's all boy you don't own me
And I'm all darn you got a point
So we work together
Makin' dat breakfast like pros
And we work to the clock and
Push to the dock like pros
You ever had bacon and eggs and toast
So good they melt in yo mouth like
Ice ream, talkin like ice cream
Push it

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Burying Secrets

Shovel in hand I dig the hole
My thoughts race as I dig deeper and deeper into the earth
Shovel in hand my mind is full
My hands start to shake as I reach the bottom
Shovel in hand, this is starting to take it's tole
And I fall to my knees as I finish digging at last
Shovel in hand, my face grows cold
And I dump my skeletons out of the wardrobe into the ground
Shovel in hand I fill in the hole
When I return home to my great displeasure
All my skeletons are waiting for in the living room
Nonchalantly staring at me, smiling at me, winking at me
Shovel in hand I take a deep breath and sit down in front of them

Friday, December 16, 2016


Fruity Meals Like
What oh my gosh that's new
Not what you thought I suppose
Everyone's freaking out about those
I'm all chill people just an acronym
Sitting there all rubbing their chins
Like what oh my gosh that's new
Sit back, taste it, try a few
And we just keep thinking FML
That's not what I was thinking to sell
Oh well, better get going
I'm tried, and cranky, so I reap what I'm sowing?
Sure let's end with that

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Normally a piece of a kind
Something distant and hard to find
Smaller and darker but with a hint
Anger and pity and a reddish tint
Milestones of hurt and murder
Can take us somewhere, can take us further
War is what we call our friend
Until we destroy one another in the end
Don't forget what you've read
Don't leave us, don't lose your head

Monday, December 12, 2016

Lovely Little Pain

I can't breathe
I don't know if I'm happy or terrified
My head throbbing
I can't tell if this is real or fake
Stop this
You're hurting me
But I know it's not your fault
Release me
You're killing me
But I can't help this feeling
You're the cause, you're the cause
Of this lovely little pain
You're the ache, you're the ache
That I can't seem to push away
Over my own feet
I don't want to do this anymore
Falling deeper
I can't do this anymore
Take me, take me now and never let go

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Cost of lives taken from them
Who knew such sorrow and beauty
could live among us and still remain
Because that is what we see
What we all plead for and beg for
And we toss out words just two of three
Because we're a storm
Let's all bring down a rain of fire
To pull out the blood stained thorn
Beating hearts ache for blood
Trashed and broken and thrown away
Picked clean yet still fallen in mud
That's right I said it
Ypeak the truth and speak the lies
You'll never ever be fit

Go on be another casualty
Go on be another victim
Go on slander
Be bold
Be another casualty

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Shut Your Eyes

Pretend your back here
Spending time with friends
When you're feeling sad
Because the time has to end
Remember you're always welcome back
To chill and laugh
So shut your eyes and get some rest
Dream of California, and remember
We're always here, just for you