Friday, September 9, 2016

Life Is Funny

Sunlight attempts to shine through
The blinds in the window to get too
The rest of the room and turn up the heat
All I do is lay there fast asleep
My alarm is about to go off
But I can only lay here the sheets are so soft
I wanna dream forever like I never have
To wake up yeah that makes me feel sad
I'd like to live in a world with no hate
No drama and lies just a clean slate
I believe in place like that that exists
It's frustrating to think about balled in a fist
And you all realize I'm not the same
And then I realize myself I'm completely sane
You can't just turn off the lights that you see
When you're living life just trying to be free
These feelings I have have never been more real
It's not all about the money but hard work is what I feel
Is doing it for me right now
And that's what I've got so I'm just gonna not wonder how
All this is gonna fold out in play
Just try to process everything before I say
Say too much and spill my feelings everywhere
I'll shut my mouth now I swear

Wait I got just a bit more to say
Life is funny in every way
One moment you're down in the dirt
The next you feel like the number one the first
I'm trying to remember not to get too caught up in feelings
Because you end up hurting yourself like shady dealings
I just want to live my life
I just want to be alright
I'm not asking for everything or anything specific I guess
I just want to get by and the best
The best I can be for so many reasons you know
The best I can be is all I can do so let's go
Around again for another trip to our own minds
To understand a little better why the light is trying to get through the blinds...

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