Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Red Blade

Tanner kicked in the door of the building and rushed in, his partners close behind him.  The people standing around the small art museum saw what was happening and at once panic ensued.  Tanner rushed up to the front desk and stuck his gun the the woman's face.  With wide eyes she spoke to him.

"What can I do for you, sir?"  she asked is a calm voice.

"What do you think?  Keep your mouth shut," he snarled back at her.  His partners had sealed the exit, and Big Tony was standing in front of it with his sub-machine gun.  The people had quieted down and were now all in a scared huddle on the floor.  Tom and Mac were in charge of getting the paintings that they had come for.  Bella and Ash were in charge of the hostages.  Tanner was the leader, and he was happy standing their with his gun in the desk lady's face.

It was not long until they heard sirens approaching.  Tanner had been counting on this, which was why he planned on turning it into a hostage situation.  Not only would the paintings be worth a lot of money, but he was planning on negotiating for more money for the hostages.  Lives were usually worth a lot to the police.  It was like a weakness, the importance of human life.  Tanner knew better.  Life wasn't not important, except to live however the hell you wanted.  If he were a cop, he would never negotiate with bad guys, he'd bust in and kill whoever got in the way.  Cops were soft.  He wasn't soft.  That's why he was ahead in so many way.

Richard sat on the floor holding his sobbing girlfriend, Amanda, against his chest.  He stroked her hair gently and whispered to her that it was going to be alright.  They had come here on a date Amanda being a fan of art.  Richard had thought she would like it, and she had very much been enjoying it until this.  He looked around the room.  There was nothing he could use...except...

"Excuse me," he said.

"What?" asked Bella.

"I've got to go to the bathroom."

"Bull, you haven't even been sitting there twenty minutes."

"I had to go before, and I just hadn't yet."

"I don't care, stay there."

"Come on, you want me to piss all over the floor?"

"Not my problem," said Bella turning away.

"Naw, come on Bella, what's he gonna do?  Sure, I'll take you to the restroom.  Anyone else gotta go?" Ash asked.

"I do!" said a woman, but Richard gave her a look and she lowered her hand and shook her head.  "Never mind."

"Alright, let's move," Ash said.

Richard got up and moved down the hall, Ash following him, his shotgun sticking out in front.  As they walked they heard the voice of the police over a loud speaker.  Ash looked back for just a second, and it was enough.  Richard spun around, swinging is arm around and knocking Ash into the wall.  The shotgun clattered to the floor.  Richard jumped for it but was grabbed around the middle by Ash.  They struggled.  Ash tried to pull a revolver from his waist, but Richard got it first.  He hit Ash over the head with the pistol and then put him into a headlock.  He put the gun to his head and moved forward.  They came out of the hall and Richard called attention to them.

"The rest of you better put down your guns or I shoot him!" Richard said.

"Ash!" Bella cried.  They were brother and sister.

"Put 'em down now!" shouted Richard.  The other's began to lower their weapons, but Tanner looked right at Richard and raised his pistol and fired off several rounds.  He hit both Richard and Ash, killing them both. Bella screamed and rushed forward.  Amanda cried out as well and when she moved to get up Tanner turned and shot her as well.

"Tanner what are you doing?  You said no one was supposed to get hurt!"  said Big Tony.

"Shut up and watch the door like you're supposed to." Tanner said.  Tom and Mac had stopped gathering the art and were exchanging looks.

"Tanner...you just killed three people, including one of our own...what the hell man?" Tom asked.

"Finish the job, or I'll shoot you too," Tanner spat at him.  The lady behind the desk began screaming hysterically.  "SHUT UP!"  She kept screaming.


She slumped to the floor, a pool of blood forming around her body.  Tanner looked around the room just in time to see Mac raise his gun and shoot him five times.

Outside the police hearing the gunshots decided to send in SWAT.  They burst in, tear gas being thrown everywhere.  Tom, Mac, Big Tony, and Bella were all arrested and the hostages taken to safety.  Those declared dead at the scene, including Tanner, were brought to the morgue.

That night on the news the story of the bloody, failed museum robbery was the top talk.  A man and his wife sat eating their dessert after dinner, sipping tea and just relaxing.

"This is why I hate watching the news, Bill," said the woman.  "These stories are so depressing."

"I know Clara, want me to change it?" asked Bill.

"Please..." she said.

"If only you could just change life's channel with the click of a button..." Bill said with a sigh as he switched to a game show.

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