Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Fantastic Magical Remedy

 "You feeling 'right?" Bonnie asked peering over her newspaper.

"Fine," Said Clyde rocking gently in his chair, nursing a slowly warming beer.

"Gettin' cold."


"Wan' some supper?"

"Nop. Thanks."

Bonnie eyed him curiously and then went back to reading. She read an awful news story about some awful tragedy that had some awful meaninglessness. She sniffled a bit. Clyde's rocking chair creak, creaked back and forth as he melodically rocked. The sun was starting to set now. A beautiful sunset.

"I'm gonna make me some supper," Bonnie said at last, folding the paper up and going in. Clyde gave a grunt.

Bonnie was inside and once Clyde was sure she was gone he began to cough. He tried to keep it quiet, stifling it in his shirt and hand as best as he could. When he looked down both his shirt and hand were covered in the nasty goop. It was bloody. He'd been coughing like that for a couple weeks now. No way no how would he be going to see the doctor. That damn bastard had it out for him. He was keeping it quiet and downplaying it for Bonnie. She did enough worrying for the both of them to last a few life times, and there was no sense in adding something like a nasty cough to the list. He knew it would go away. Eventually it would go away.

Bonnie was calling him from inside. The sun was just about set, darkness was slowly closing down and the crickets were really going wild now. Clyde nodded, the peacefulness was good and true. He swished around a bit of his beer in his mouth and swallowed it before getting up. He stretched a bit, took another little sip and then went inside.

Bonnie had made a couple of TV dinners and set them on trays at the couch. She had the TV on and was watching a game show. The people on their sure seemed just happy to be on the show. Maybe one was happier than the rest with that money they were winning.

"Salisbury," Clyde muttered sitting down at his tray.

"You complainin' 'bout your food?" Bonnie barked at him with a little laugh.

"Nop. This is my favorite, you know that." She did know that, he really did enjoy it.

"Eat up, it's hot."

Clyde sat down on the couch and began picking away at his meal, his now definitively warm beer sitting there on top of a coaster. 

After dinner they went to bed. It was a chilly night and the moon was almost full, lighting up the countryside all nice and bright. Probably about midnight Clyde woke up with a coughing fit. He went into the bathroom. He rinsed his mouth out and washed his hands and as he turned off the light something caught his eye out in the yard. He peered out the window and by the bright light of the moon he saw a young woman standing by the shed looking up right at him. She seemed to be smiling and she began motioning for him to come down to her. Clyde thought he was either losing his mind or dreaming. But something was making him choose to go. Down the stairs. Out the door. Now standing right in front of her.

She was quite beautiful with fair skin and big green eyes. Her hair fell down her back in great flowing waves and she was clothed in a magnificent dress of bright colors. She was tall for a woman, standing a full head above Clyde who was close to six feet. She stood so still, though her eyes seemed to be glued on Clyde where ever or how ever he moved.

"Hello," she said in a sweet, soft voice while wearing the most inviting smile.

"Who're you?" Clyde asked.

"I am Mirhana." Her voice was so beautiful.

"What can I do for you? It's late to be out isn't it?"

"Indeed," she laughed as she spoke. "But it was important that I come to see you. I know that you suffer, and I am here to help."

"How do you know?"

"I know many things Clyde Becker. You need to be cured, and I am here to cure you!"

"Well sounds nice but how you gonna do that?"

"With this wonderful medicine," she said as she pulled a small bottle from a pocket in her dress. "You must simply drink it down quickly and it will begin to cure you. It will take three days, and on the third day you will be all better!"

"You a doc or somethin'?"

"I am not a doctor, but I am what some have called a miracle worker! I have cured many people far and wide, all over the world. I go where I am needed."

"How much it gonna cost?"

"I do not charge for what I do. I am happy to do it!"

Clyde eyed the bottle suspiciously. Free medicine seemed to good to be true. So it was a complete and utter surprise to him when he saw his hand stretching out and taking the bottle from Mirhana. Worse yet he couldn't seem to stop himself as he watched in horror as his hand moved the bottle to his lips and he downed the silvery liquid within. His hand then released the bottle and it fell to the ground and  shattered. His hand seemed his own again, but when he looked up Mirhana was gone. In her place was a note written in perfectly splendid handwriting. 

I shall return in three days to check on you. Sweet dreams, Clyde!

Clyde noticed something. His throat felt better. In fact his whole body seemed much, much better. He felt like smiling, and so he did. He smiled all the way back up to his room where he promptly fell asleep.

The next day he woke up feeling fantastic, apart from a terrible thirst. Through the whole day he found himself drinking water constantly. It was so much that even Bonnie noticed. Clyde of course shrugged it off, not wanting to tell her that he was sick or that he'd taken some miracle cure from a strange woman in the middle of the night. He felt it was all best left unsaid. In fact he himself was trying not to think about the absurdity of it too much. Though he kept drinking water, he found that he was never in need of the bathroom.

The next day he did not feel fantastic when he woke up. He felt frail and weak, and his skin was dry and leathery. He was still horribly thirsty, and when he went straight away into the bathroom to get water, he saw in the mirror that he looked quite older than he was. He wasn't a young lad anymore by any means, but his skin hadn't looked like that the day before he was sure. The whole day he spent drinking water and sitting on the porch. Bonnie certainly noticed the change in him and was constantly fussing over him and telling him they should go see the doctor. But Clyde kept his mouth shut and just said please and thank you for the water. By the end of the day he was having a very hard time breathing, and his body seemed to have lost all moisture. Bonnie helped him into bed and said that she was taking him to the doctor tomorrow, and he had no say in it seeing as he was now light enough for her to carry if she had to.

Bonnie woke the next morning and screamed a scream she had never screamed before. Her poor Clyde was lying next to her, motionless, dead, and extremely dried and shriveled up. Bonnie rushed down stairs to call the doctor, the sheriff, or the fire department even but before she could spin the phone dial a knock came at the door. She almost ignored it but decided to answer it.

She opened the door and nearly screamed again. A hideous looking figure stood before her. It wore a colorful dress and had two large acid-green eyes set above a detestable set of pincer-like jaws.

"I'm here to collect your cured husband, madam," said the creature in a beautiful sing-song voice. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Graveyard

 I'm a graveyard sex worker. And no I don't just mean that I work the night shift. Though that's usually when I do work. But I mean I do sex work in actual graveyards. It's a niche fetish for a niche bunch of clientele who pay very well for my services. It started by chance, but apparently the experience was so good that word spread around, and I began to receive requests specifically for dates in cemeteries. I felt bad about it at first, like it was rude and dishonoring to be having sex with whore men on top of graves. But as the good money really started to poor in, I let the money talk me into not caring so much.

I had a few usual graveyards that I would be taken to. The owners were usually paid money to look the other way, and whoever was with me and I would have the place to ourselves all night long. The guys were usually quite nice considering the context. They treated me kindly, and always gave me nice things, in addition to the money. It's honestly part of the reason I stayed in this profession, it sort of made me feel like a queen.

The types of guys who order this service are pretty average. They're usually older, at least in their forties, clean cut, with good taste in restaurants. Once we get to the graveyard though is when they get a little freaky. They tend to be into the more taboo acts of sex, or what they might consider taboo anyway. Something about being in the graveyard and kinky sex really gets these guys going. Usually they're done quickly, and then they'll take me to a nice hotel for the rest of the night, or sometimes call me a taxi home. To be honest, I kind of enjoy it now. At least I did until last week.

Last week is why I'm telling this story. Because last week was, let's just say interesting at the very least. I can tell you I won't be going to any graveyards anymore for work, and I think I'm done with this profession all together.

I got a call from a guy early yesterday morning, a Tuesday. I usually take Monday's and Tuesday's off to re-energize from the weekends, which are usually the busiest for me. It was so early the call woke me up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Kelsey?"

"Yes, who's this?" It was silent. "Hello?"

"Hi, sorry, I'm um...I'm just nervous. I don't usually do things like this." Sure you don't.

"What can I help you with?"

"I was hoping to use your, um, services this evening."

"I'm sorry but it's actually my day off today. I won't be available for another week and a half. We could schedule something if you like?"

"No, it has to be tonight. I really..." He trailed off and then started crying. Great, now it was really awkward. "Please, I just really need to be with someone, and I heard you were really good, and I just really need this. I'll-I'll pay you double your normal rate!" Of course, that got my attention.

"You know what my usual rate is don't you?"

"Yes, yes. I'll double it if you can do tonight." I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Alright, but you need to meet me somewhere nice for dinner first, and I'll need the address of the cemetery we'll be going to." I have a trusted friend who I tell when and where I go for work.

"Of course. Let's meet at 6:30. How about Antonio's?"

"I'm not a big fan of Italian." That was a lie, and Antonio's was nice, but this was day off after all, so I wanted something nicer. "How about Cliffside Inn?" A very expensive seafood spot with a view. Usually requires reservations but I wanted to see how bad he wanted me.

"Um, ok, I'll see what I can do. I'll get back to you in a few minutes is that ok?"

"Sure." I didn't expect a call back. But I was honestly pleasantly surprised when he called back and confirmed Cliffside Inn at 6:30.

He gave me the address to the cemetery as well. It was a private cemetery in the back yard of an old abandoned house. No one owned it as far as I could find out, and it had been abandoned for ages after the family who owned it passed away. The guy promised he had scoped the place out a bit and there was no security or anything. It was completely empty and forgotten. I texted my friend that I was working that day, where we were going for dinner and where he was taking me after. She replied with a winky face and a thumbs up. I replied the grimace and tongue out face. This guy was weird, so I wasn't really expecting tonight to be much fun. But it was paying double, so I couldn't complain too much.

I finished getting ready and was stepping outside to call a cab when a sleek, black limo pulled up to the curb. The driver got out and ran around to open the door. He didn't say a word, but opened the door for me, smiling kindly as he motioned for me to get in.

"Who are you?"

"Mr. Price sent me ma'am. I'm here to take you to dinner."

"How'd he know where I live?"

"I don't know ma'am, I'm just the driver." It made me uncomfortable. "Shall we be on our way?" I hesitated, suddenly having a bad feeling. Then I remembered the money, the dinner I had waiting for me, and the high probability that it would either be a short night and I'd be home soon or a long night in a luxurious hotel. I stepped forward and climbed into the limo. The driver shut the door behind me and then got in, and began driving. We arrived at the Cliffside Inn and when we pulled up a very handsome young man moved forward and opened the door for me. I stepped out and he took my hand and kissed it.

"Kelsey, you look lovely!" Though he had the same voice, he no longer sounded nervous. I was also quite surprised by how charming he looked.

"Thank you, Mr. Price. You look very nice as well."

"Please, as I told you on the phone, it's Charles. I've even tried to get Davey to stop calling me Mr. Price but he won't have any of it." He motioned to the driver who gave a smile and wink before pulling away to go park somewhere. "He'll be back round after dinner to take us to our getaway spot!" He gave me a wink and put an arm around my waist and we walked into the restaurant.

I had been to this place once before, but it always blew my mind how elegant it was. We were greeted at the front by a very serious and haughty looking man.

"Welcome Mr. Price, we have your table ready for and" He gave me a cold look up and down before turning to lead the way. Charles pretended to hang himself with his tie and gave a laugh before following with me. I giggled a bit, feeling at ease with him. All my feelings of hesitation from earlier were gone, and I felt like tonight was going to be one hell of an evening.

Our table was out on the patio, closest to the glass railing with the best view in the whole restaurant. It was incredibly gorgeous, and between the perfect weather and perfect view I felt like I was in heaven. Our food was to die for, and Charles and I shared a dessert. We talked a lot, and he was quite an incredible man. He was the head of some software company, which explained the money, and though he'd never been married I could tell he was quite the catch. He didn't come right out and say that, but there was something that told me he would have no problem finding a a girlfriend. But this made it all the more odd to me why he was taking me out. Maybe he liked casual flings, and didn't want any commitment? Or maybe he was just really bad in the bed. Either way I was going to enjoy him as much as I could for the night, and my paycheck even more.

"Charles," I said remembering being picked up by the limo. "How did you know where I lived?"

"Oh yes, sorry about that, I hope that wasn't out of line. I actually got your address from a friend who's used your services before. So I figured after we'd hung up on the phone I should just send Davey to pick you up so you don't have to take a cab." And just like that I felt uncomfortable again. No client had ever been to my house, and I never told any of them where I lived.

"Ah," I said and smiled at him looking him dead in the eyes. "It was very thoughtful of you." He looked back at me and his smile began to fade slightly.

"Oh alright you got me," He said putting his hands into the air and laughing. "I may have asked a friend to find your address because I wanted to be romantic and send a car for you."

"Did you have me followed?"

"No, no. I have a friend who works for the PD, he tracked you down."

"Oh ok, so a lot less weird then." I said sarcastically. I wasn't happy about it, but I at least felt like he was telling the truth now.

"You're mad." He said looking genuinely sad about it.

"A little, that's a huge invasion of privacy. Not to mention you could get me into serious trouble with the cops. What were you thinking?"

"No it's cool don't worry. This guy and me go way back he's super cool about it he doesn't care don't worry. I mean hey I could get into just as much trouble as you right?"

"Sure, you can believe that if it makes you feel better," I muttered. Awkward silence fell over us.

"Look, Kelsey, I'm really sorry I shouldn't have done that. Please, how can I make it up to you?" I needed to think about that. It was a dumb thing to do, but he really seemed sorry about it. Something about him, I just couldn't stay mad.

"How about a fancy hotel for the night, after our spot we can go there."

"You got it!" He said with a wide smile. "How about the Grand Reddington?"

"Oh my, Charles, you do spoil me," I said in a sassy, husky voice. We both laughed.

Charles paid for dinner and then Davey picked us up in the limo. We were on our way to the cemetery now, and I texted my friend that it was going well and that we'd be staying at the Reddington for the night after the graveyard. Charles and I talked the whole ride there and I was actually finding Charles to be quite interesting. He had plenty of fun stories to tell, but he was also so genuinely interested in me. I was usually careful to not talk about my self much both for professional and safety reasons but talking with Charles was so easy that I was spilling my whole life's story before I could stop myself. We were having a marvelous time.

We got to the old abandoned property at about nine-thirty that night. It was a creepy, massive manor-house that sat at the top of a large hill. We drove around the side of the hill until we came to a fairly large cemetery at the back. I would say it was probably a couple of acres and full of ancient and ornate looking headstones. In the dead center stood a large mausoleum with rather horrifying carvings on it of what appeared to be some sort of horned wolf creature. Charles lead me over towards it and laid out on front of it was a large blanket lined with jars with candles in them. Off to the side of the blanket was a large bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne and some glasses. Davey followed along and deposited a box on the blanket before giving a little bow and trotting off back to the limo.

Charles opened the box to reveal a tray of fruits and cheeses. I was stuffed from dinner but the tray looked incredible and I was almost hungry again somehow. He smiled at me and took my hand and we sat down on the blanket. He poured us some champagne and we clinked the glasses together, sipping it and nibbling on cheese and fruit. I was enjoying myself so much I almost forgot about sex, but then Charles asked if we could 'slip into something more comfortable.' I laughed and nodded but remembered to text my friend first. I always texted her before sex and told her to check in every hour after that. As I sent "About to bang :P" I started to feel very dizzy. I looked up. Everything was spinning. All I could really focus on was Charles' face. He was grinning broadly at me, but it no longer looked like a kind smile.

I woke up, unable to move my arms and legs, with my head pounding. I looked around me and saw that I was inside what appeared to be the mausoleum, chained to a stone table in the center of the room. Then I noticed figures standing around the room, all dressed in long robes with large hoods hiding their faces. There were four on either side of me, and three in front of me, with one missing in their row. I assumed there were more behind me. Just then a door opened behind me and the fourth robed figure took his place in front of me, and Charles, if that was even his real name, came into view. He smiled down at me, his smile now cold, evil, and vile.

"What the hell is this?" I said angrily. "You let me go now!"

"Oh foolish child," he said softly as he stroked my cheek. I tried to bite his hand, when he jerked it away I spat at him. "Tisk tisk, none of that now. Do not be afraid, Kelsey. You are about to become a very important part of history. That old house on the hill, and this cemetery belonged to my family for generations. They were wealthy and prosperous and they owed all of it to a great being who blessed them as long as they sacrificed to it's name. One of my ancestors got the idea that it should be stopped, so they foiled the sacrificing. The being was angered and he cursed them. They lost everything."

"Good for them, now let me go you freak!" I shouted and I was pulling and yanking on my restraints as hard as I could.

"I alone chose to take up the mantle," he continued as if I'd said nothing, "and rebuilt the empire. I began sacrificing again, and quickly my family and I were once more blessed. The first one I sacrificed was my fool of a grandfather who angered the being to begin with. Since then, every year on this day at midnight we sacrifice someone to the being, and in turn he blesses us. We will become the ultimate rulers of this world with it's help, and so you are helping us write history with your sacrifice."

"I'm not helping you write shit you lunatic," I screamed at him. He smiled down at me and then looked towards the robed figures in front of me and nodded. The one who had joined the rank last stepped forward and pulled a dagger from under his robes and handed it to Charles.

"Thank you, Davey," Charles said before turning back to me, as the robed figure stepped back into the line. He began chanting something in a strange language that I had never heard the likes of before. As he was chanting he slowly raised the dagger high above his head. I was quiet now. I knew I was going to die and there was nothing I could do about it. I was thinking about all my friends and family. And my friend. Suddenly some hope sparked into me as I remembered my friend. I had texted her at around ten. I hadn't responded to any of her hourly check-ins which meant she'd probably be coming to find me. The plan was if she ever had to come find me she'd be bringing along her brother and one of his friends who are the type of people you don't want to be on bad terms with. They were insurance or something I guess?

"Hey heads up my friend is on her way," I said with a smug smile. Charles stuttered in his chanting and then looked at me.

"No one knows where you are," he said coldly.

"Are you sure about that? You think I don't take precautions in this line of work? Are you really that stupid?" He was glaring at me. "You see I have a system, I text my friend exactly where I'll be and I also text her right before sex. I texted her shortly before I passed out, I'm assuming from drugged champagne? She checks in every hour. If I miss even one she heads my way with some backup."

"Even if you're telling the truth there are far too many of us."

"Well, if the rest of your buddies are anything like Davey, I don't think they'll be a problem for my backup. Not to mention, knowing my worrisome friend, she's probably called the police to come along as well." The part about the police was a lie, but I must have been convincing enough because Charles looked deeply troubled.

"My lord," said the robed figure who was Davey. "We must go through with the sacrifice or-"

"Quiet. I know what will happen, but we cannot risk being caught or exposed. I will have to explain to the being and ask for forgiveness. He will get his sacrifice, but it cannot be tonight. We need to get out of here." The hooded figures bowed low and began to exit the mausoleum in single file. Charles glared back down at me.

"Mind undoing my chains pweez?" I said with a baby voice and playful eyes. Hate flashed in his eyes and he slapped me across the face so hard my vision went blurry.

"You filthy whore. I suggest you watch your back." With that he left the building, leaving me chained to the stone table. Thankfully only about ten minutes after they left I heard my friend shouting my name. I called to her and she and several men with her got me out.

We went to the police. I told them I was on a date and the owner of the mansion took me to the cemetery in the back and all the rest. They seemed quite concerned at first until I mentioned where the house was. They told me that the family that owned it had all died many years ago and it wasn't owned by anyone anymore except the bank, and they weren't doing anything with it. The name Charles Price of course meant nothing, with the only person being named that within a hundred miles was a teenage boy who worked at a grocery store. One of the cops told me he believed me, but there was nothing they could do without any proof or more information.

As I was leaving the station the cop came after me and pulled me aside.

"Don't worry ma'am," he said looking me dead in the eyes without smiling. "We'll be keeping an eye on you." He nodded and went back inside.

I'm in the process of moving, changing phones, and my friend says her brother knows someone who could even change my name and identity. But I don't know how I feel about having to start a whole new life, I kind of like the one I have...or had at least. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do yet, but I need to decided fast. There has been a cop car sitting outside my house for a few days now, and something tells me it's not for my safety.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I'm going back to my true home to gather my children.

 I recently found out that I was adopted. It was strange at first, catching me completely off guard and turning my world upside down. But as my parents began to explain things to me it immediately started to make sense more and more. In fact the more they explained, the more I felt relieved. It was as if my whole life was coming together. I'd been lost, though I never even realized it until that moment.

I have been having this dream every night for as long as I can remember. The first time must have been when I was around four or five years old, and every night since then I can remember it all perfectly vividly.

I'm swimming in the ocean, deep down, underwater. There should be no light down here yet I can see just fine. I know I am deeper down in the depths than is humanly possible, yet here I am. I am breathing like I am in air, but floating like I am in water. I am swimming north. I do not know how I know this, but I do. I am swimming north towards my home. Strange and monstrous creatures pass by me; gargantuan beasts unseen in the deep and long forgotten to time. They fear me. Every leviathan and behemoth that passes reeks of fear, and I inhale the intoxicating stench into my lungs and revel in the sensation. These beasts belong to me.

Soon I am close to my home. I see even further below me a gaping hole in the rocky ocean floor. It is pure blackness within until I swim through the entrance and my eyes adjust. The cave goes down further into the earth and then spills out into a cavern of massive proportions. The cave is larger than anything you have ever seen on earth. If I had to give a gauge of it's size I would say you could fit several Mt. Everests inside it. Perhaps stack a couple high, and a few length-wise if that makes sense. Within this magnificent cavern lies my home. My city, my kingdom, my people.

The towers of ancient coral and stone are erected in rows and rows all over the cavern floor, surrounding my castle sitting in the middle. It is taller than all the other buildings, with sharp and cruel looking spires standing all about. It is terrifying looking, and I love that it is so. There are countless windows in all the buildings, and even more in my castle. From every window I see the eyes of my subjects. They watch in fear and admiration. They are not like the dumb beasts I pass on the way here, but instead intelligent, shrewd, and loyal.

They are ugly beasts, but beautiful in their own way, and perfect to me. They are tall and thin, yet they have powerful arms and legs. They have webbed and clawed hands and feet, perfect for swimming, and perfect for tearing. They're black, piercing eyes can see in the dark and in the light, and their mouths are adorned with rows of sharp teeth made for one purpose. These creatures I molded and shaped into my beautiful children for one purpose, and one purpose only. The domination of the world.

But before I could execute my plan something happened. Long ago, thousands of years before humans began spawning there were many of us. We were powerful and we were hungry. We fought to gain footholds anywhere and any way we could. Many fought fruitlessly with ill-planned attacks and foolish rashness. But there were some, like myself, who were cold and calculated. We made smart decisions that led to absolute victory, and we slowly conquered the lesser of our kind, until only two of us remained. There was myself, and one other who's power I must admit worried even myself. I should have heeded my own heartful warnings.

My army was completed. My perfect subjects were ready to fight and I was ready to lead them into battle. But my opponent was too cunning. He wished to fight me one on one for the chance to end the war without large battles and destruction. He wished to keep the fight between us. I foolishly agreed, thinking my opponent was no match for my skill. That day I was humbled. He struck me down, harder and faster than I had ever thought possible and I was cast into a void of endless haunts and nightmares. I drifted for thousands of years, tortured and alone, until by chance I found a way out. A small portal to an unknown new life. I had heard tale of these, that they were rare, if not impossible to find. Yet here one was, beckoning me onward. That is how I came to be now.

I remembered all this as my parents told me that I was adopted and how they had found me. They said I was old enough to hear the truth and they did not want to lie to me my whole life. They found me one day while walking down on the beach. I was just a small, newborn baby wrapped in clumps of seaweed. I was laughing and clapping my hands as the ocean waves splashed up around me. They were shocked of course, but took it as a sign from God. They wanted a child but were not able to conceive, and had just been talking about adopting. They had been praying on it and thought that I was an answer to their prayers. Perhaps I was, but not from the God they thought they were praying to. Nevertheless, they have been good to me, and I plan to spare them once my campaign begins.

I of course have not told them anything about my dreams or about where I am going. I will leave early tomorrow leaving a simple note of goodbye. They will not understand where I am going, so explaining would be pointless.

I will gather my children and we will overtake this world. Consider this a warning. Once I am finished, I will hunt down my old opponent. If he still lives, I will crush him this time. Now I am prepared for his tricks, and nothing can stop me.