Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Saying Sorry...

What makes it right?
What makes it wrong?
When your head is spinning
And you can't tell black from white
Trying to do whats right
And knowing you've done wrong
A mistake is a mistake no matter how small
Saying sorry gets you only so far after all...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Happy Little Poem

I have fallen into a state of joy
In times of sorrow I will rejoice
Though shadows surround me
Happiness is what I feel
Because that is the only way
To live your life when you say
I am fallen
I am fallen and weak
So listen to my voice as I speak
We are strong and true
This hardship we'll get through

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Second to last but never first
You try to run and you always fall
Stuffing into a coffin as you go
Strung up by your heels by your regrets
And your meaning of time is set in stone
Whisper of endless time lost long ago
Sailing among the stars like a bird lost at sea

I hope you've made the right decision
These choices don't come lightly
I can't choose to have these visions
Gripping the edge of your seat tightly

I'm digging through mistakes just to find some good
The right I've done is at the bottom
Because I ain't done much good in the world
But I've left my mark and I've said my piece
You've left me no reason and no doubt
That I'm lost in the jungle of greed and hate
So here I go again calling your name...

So I hope you've made the right decision
I'm telling you these choices, they don't come lightly
I can't choose to have these visions
I see you gripping the edge so tightly

I am the darkness in your mind
I am the panic in you head
I am dragging you down and laughing the whole time
I am your depression invading your sanity
You're losing your mind and I'm laughing about it

Do you feel that itch?  It's me screwing with your mind
Do you hear that voice?  It's me whispering evil in your ear
Do you want to cut yourself and make yourself bleed?  I'll hand you the knife
Do you have the urge to end your life?  Guess what, that's me as I laugh the whole time

And I'm laughing the whole time too, because this has to be a joke...
This can't be real...this is not real...I am not real...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

When You're Being Held Back

A little bit goes a long way
Just sit down and hear what I say
I'm tired of trying so hard and getting nowhere
But I'll make it further that you I swear
You think you can break me and cut me down
What I'm bringing to the table is a new sound
Other people get pissed off and angry
When things get weird you start acting strangely
I look the other way
I tear out another page
From this book of lies you've written
And these words are smitten
You've bitten off more than you can chew
Let me promise, I'm done with you

Saturday, February 11, 2017

A World In Tears

Order turned into chaos, chaos turned into madness, madness turned into fear, and fear...well, fear was all that was left.

The cities burned.

The people died, and the world slipped into a darkness so deep that the sun itself could no longer penetrate it.

Plant life withered away.

Animals became more civil than humans and retreated into far corners of the earth where the blood and war was less.

In the end there was so much blood that the oceans themselves turned red and the dirt was stained crimson.

In an empty field of debris and falling buildings stands a man.

He is holding in his hands the only shred of sanity that he has left.

A book.

His book from before the war.

A history of his life that he had kept since he could remember.

He held it close to his chest as he fell to his knees, finally giving into his one and only remaining friend: death.

Fear was snuffed out by death, and death turned into a myth, myth became the end of time.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Pick up the pieces when our hearts collide
Defeat my purpose and I cannot confide
Broken apart by a senseless decree
Yearning to fly, yearning to be free
Battling the inside of the soul
Fighting a fight and losing control
You cannot win, you cannot lose
Stuck in a struggle forced to take the abuse
So you pick up the pieces when your heart collides
Feeling and freeing your mind and taking in strides
You've had enough, but it's never enough
Hurting yourself more than anyone just because
And so you cry out in anguish and frustration
And you stare into the eyes of the manifestation
Ugly are you, and beauty is love
Hurting yourself because, because, because...
But hope still remains as you lift your hanging head
You take the hand and your fears become dead
Your eyes are shining with tears and you look above
As you and your body collide with love