Monday, November 17, 2014

First and Last Job

He was only 17.  Young kid.  Stupid.  Thought he was better than everyone else.  He'd been looking for a job since he was 16.  A solid year with no bites.  He was laying in bed one night and wondered what he could do with his life.  He was young, he had his whole life ahead of him.  He could be anything he wanted to be.  But what?  What could he be?

Then it hit him.

He got home from school the next day.  His parents were gone, just as he had planned for.  Breaking into the safe was easy.  He pulled out his dad's revolver and loaded it.  He grabbed some extra rounds just in case.  He wasn't planning on shooting anyone.  It was just for show.  He stuffed it in his bag and grabbed his old ski mask from when he and his parents went on vacation.  He stuffed that in his bag and then got in his car.  He sat there.

"Ok Carl," he said to himself.  "You're going to do this.  You're not gonna screw this one up.  Of course you are, you always screw up.  NO!  Not this time.  This time I'm serious.  Screw good grades, screw getting a job.  This is my life now."

He started the car and drove to the bank.  It was a small bank.  Hardly anyone was inside.  There was only three people working behind the counter and one woman in line.  He walked inside and then ducked behind a wall quickly.  He'd forgotten to put the mask on.  Okay.  Mask on, gun out?  It felt too early to draw the gun.  But why wait?  He pulled it out.

"Everyone down on the ground!"  he shouted like he'd seen in movies.

The woman in line screamed and got down on the floor.  He walked up to the teller and she looked at him.  She was frightened.  The two men behind the counter had their hands up.

"Umm....I your money," Carl said.

"Alright, you want it in that bag?" asked the teller.

"Umm...I don't know...don't you have your own bags?"

"I think so..."

"Okay, well then fill the bags with money and give them to me."


The three bank tellers went to work filling bags with cash.  Carl didn't like this.

"Wait, wait , wait.  Stop.  Keep your money.  This isn't for me."

"'re not robbing us then?" asked one of the men.

"No...I'm just...bored I guess...I don't want to be a criminal.  I'm just gonna go."

Carl ran outside got in the car and drove home.  He put the gun away in the safe, went to his room and locked the door.  He laid down in bed and began to thin about other career choices.

Being a criminal wasn't on the list.  But a drug dealer, no that he could do.

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