Monday, May 26, 2014

The Pumpkin Patch

Hold my hand as we walk
The new moon gives us no light
But we see where we're going
We don't need no lanterns
We don't need no map
We ain't headed anywhere specifically
We're just walking
Walking through the pumpkin patch
Hand in hand through the pumpkin patch

A little slower now that we're here
Under the apple tree
The apple tree right in the middle
Middle of the pumpkin patch
Look me in the eye and say it best
You love me and I love you
Kiss me and I'll kiss you
Don't lie to me like the rest
I trust you and only you

Hold me now as we lay
As we lay under the apple tree
The tree in the middle of the pumpkin patch

Saturday, May 24, 2014

"Wise Sayings" by Ethan Chione

1.  "If the fish isn't bad eat it."

2.  "You can't have a baby without proper plumbing."

3.  "People will eat anything if they're hungry enough."

4.  "You can't make every rat your pet."

5.  "If you want to be happy then find a rooster."

6.  "Be patient and you shall receive."

7.  "Not all dentists are evil clowns, but they are all secret agents."

8.  "You can't be a star and not shine."

9.  "Every potato has its skins."

10.  "Just because someone is taller than you doesn't mean they're shorter."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Tree Trunk Task

Eating at hole in small places
A beacon of hope and wane 
Established by soap and swans
The ultimate love for bane
Crashing yourself upon rocks
Like a hopeless beautiful boat
Rotting like a dead tree
Surrounded by a hundred moats
Righting wrongs and spelling out
The only way is to see
Eating a hole in  a small place
The only one to be

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Whisper of a Golden

Blow blow sleet and snow
Sunset street and nighttime sleep
Credits done to those of sigh
An honest living forever more

Breaking hearts by numbers unknown
Frost bitten treetops and flowers
Angled back to sea view
Thrust forward for a motion

Backwards crawling beauty changeless
Nothing warrants your arrested attention 
Hating cruelty and malice
Loving the life you've been blessed with

Stomping on the little things
Forgetting past wrongs and hurts
You can say what you want
But moving on is what it is

Monsters lurking beneath the cave
Your bed is your ship in the ocean
Tentacles of a friendly beast
Wrap you up in a soft spoken dream

Monday, May 12, 2014


The glow of that lights up her face
Is the sunlight shining off the morning dew
The sparkle in her eye
Is the glitter of the nighttime stars
The redness of her cheeks
Is the reddest roses in the garden

Beauty comes naturally to her
Without trying she's something to talk about
Long brown hair and deep brown eyes
She's a beauty strong and stout

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Big River

Rain came down in huge torrents.
  Soaking everything and anything it could.
  Like it had a mind of its own it drenched as much as it could, like that's what its sole purpose was.
  On the bright side the infected seemed to dislike the rain.
  They took to wandering around indoors and hiding out under any kind of shelter they could find.

But one indoor area was not crawling with infected.

It was a big house on the big river.
Bright red walls and orange carpet.
A ghastly color if you ask me.
It had about five bedrooms and three bathrooms...all brightly colored as well.
The windows including the big stained glass one were boarded up.
The doors were all nailed shut with furniture piled in front.
Tap tap tap
Went the hammer that was used to nail in the nails.
Inside slept eight people.
Three woman and four men and one child.
The child lay awake listening to the rain.
The rain was swelling the big river.
Still the house stood.  A bright safe haven.
Brightly colored.
Brightly savored like a dish of candy.
Rolled up in a bottle and set to sail in the big river.
I'm crying out for help
I'm crying to you from across the big river on the other side of the bank
But no one can hear me tonight, not now or ever.
The seven lay sleeping and one lays awake
He hears me but he thinks it is an infected
Just as motionless as the rest he lays and listens to the rain
The big river rises