Saturday, March 8, 2014


That annoying weird kid with the "Tarantulas are people too!" shirt
He's watching you as you eat your sandwich
To your greatest disturbance he gets up and approaches you
He leans in close and whispers in your ear
"You've got mayonnaise on your shirt"
Now you feel like the weird kid
Now everyone is staring at you and your mayo shirt
You decide to leave your half eaten sandwich
You begin to partake of thine pickle that layeth upon thine plate
It's good...almost too good to be true
That salty deliciousness that fills your mouth with joy and wonder
But Mr.Weirdo is still watching you
You're starting to feel uncomfortable...very uncomfortable
Now you have to say something
You don't want to be a jerk but you're trying to eat
So you get up and walk over to the weird kid who is sitting on the other side of the room
"Dude, you're creeping me out"  you say flatly
"Dude, fine" he says as he gets up and walks out
But before leaving he turns dramatically and gives you a "You're a butt" look
So you go back to eating, but you aren't hungry now
That last look from the weirdy messed up your appetite
So now you sit and stare at your food
Your half gone sandwich and partially eaten pickle
You wonder what you should take from this incident
And decide to go watch TV instead of think
Everyone watches you as you walk out of the room
Before you leave, you turn dramatically...and blow a kiss

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