Monday, November 25, 2013


Into the fray
We all fly yelling
Arms flailing around
We hunt the dreams
We seek our fortune
But do not find
We listen for the words
That we never fully hear
A blind moment
A lapse in judgement
It could be your last
If you don't play your cards right
You will end up the loser
The game goes on
Everyone is playing
It's the game of life
Loser takes all

Sunday, November 24, 2013


The only rule was that you could not see what you were doing.

Blindfolded they were lead into the arena.

Blindfolded they listened as the crowd shouted and howled in excitement.

Blindfolded they listened as their fellow slaves were torn to pieces by unseen beasts.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Her Bedroom, Half Empty

There was a twin sized bed in the far corner with white sheets and a sky blue quilt on top.  The pillowcases had yellow stars on a black background, with a great full moon in the center.  She had always loved the sky and anything to do with it.  The ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars and crescent moons.  The wall were sky blue like the quilt, but they had fluffy white clouds painted on them.  At the foot of the bed was a chest where she kept her shoes.  She had never been a very neat person, and all her shoes were sort of jumbled around inside.  Between the bed and the window was her dressers, one drawer still ajar and a sock hanging out of it.  On top of the dresser were trophies from her tennis matches and pictures of her with her friends.  There was also a note that read, "Good luck today sweetheart, you'll do great! Love, Dad."  She had read it, because it had been moved from her bedside table, which was the least cluttered object in the room.  In fact, the only thing on her bedside table was a glass of water.  It was half empty, much like the bedroom without her.

Various articles of clothing were strewn around the room.  She had never been a very neat person.  Only the day before he had been telling his daughter she needed to clean her room over the weekend, and she laughed and nodded her head.  She hadn't been lazy, just busy.  Always going somewhere, always doing something, always working on some new project or playing tennis.  Her closet stood to his left, the door wide open.  All her dresses were hung carelessly on hangers and various other items were thrown on the floor.  The only thing missing were her car keys and her tennis bag, which had been with her.  She had been on her way to a tennis match, the one she had been preparing for for so long.

He took one last look around the room and then left, closing the door behind him.  Her room was half empty without her, and she wasn't coming back.  His daughter was never coming home.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Music Munchies

Sometimes I just need music
To feed my soul before I get back into the fight
Sometimes I just need a little groove
To help me move on through the stormy night
Maybe a little tap or a knock
On the wooden table or metal door
Just a click or clack
Hum a few notes or maybe more
I want to chew
On those blissful little notes
Floating in the breeze
Sailing on the clefs like boats
I want to sink my teeth
Into the feeling of the groove
I want to drink it in
I want to feel my bones be moved
A feast of chords
The main course is the chorus
A catchy tune
With riffs that march before us
Oh that tasty beat
It vibrates deep in my soul
That bum bum bum
That makes me blissful so

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Stuffed against a wall of thorns
Sliced and cut in a methodical rhythm
Pressed hard with a soul so torn
And broken apart by the schism

Meaningless mutterings from the heart
Failure is a default for you
Running until you fall all apart
Fleeing from what you know is true

And the emptiness is a welcome feeling
The hollow icy tones
Just waiting for relief from this peeling
Terror but echos no groans

A silent moment for those who are lost
A remembrance of the past
Fallen friends and enemies in the frost
Forgotten time that was never the last

So go on being ignorant and foolish
You don't know you only judge
You'd rather be plain ignorant and foolish
With your hypocritical hearts of sludge

Call me what you will when you don't know the facts
Make all the claims your lying hearts can muster
Just remember in time about what exactly that's
Happening in this twisted cluster

Thursday, November 7, 2013


I met Death, and he was amused by me.

Maybe it was my confused and bewildered look, or maybe I smelled a certain way.  Maybe it was my frightened and lost tone of voice, or maybe I just plain looked funny.  Either way the whirling around of thoughts in my muddled mind did not help any.

"You don't know what you want," Death said to me.

"This is what I want," I said sure of myself and what I felt.

Death looked down at his watch.  The time was not right I guess for he laughed, winked at me, and then turned and vanished.

I now stood alone in the bright courtyard.  The sun shone down and reflected brilliantly off the new fallen snow.  A tree that was dead with gnarled , old branches stood next to me at my right side.  And to my left there was a small bird sitting upon a small fountain.  The bird pecked at the frozen water, and occasionally the small creature let out a chirp.  One side was death (the dead tree) and the other side was life (the small bird).  But even the side of life there was not peace or happiness.  In fact there was much hardship and struggle as the bird continued to try and get water, but to no avail.  I knew the water was frozen, but the bird did not seem to understand that.

I began walking home.  My lazy feet dragged through the snow soaking my socks and shoes and the bottoms of my pants.  I did not care.  The ability to give a shit had long since passed away and I was now only focused on one thing: my journey home.

A rustle in the bushes to my left made me jump a little.  It was nice to be startled though.  The feeling sort of kept me in reality in a way.  Out from the bushes came a small cat, a baby most likely.  It saw me and stood still hoping I would not see him.  I did not just see a kitten before me, but a living, breathing, normal creature.  I felt normal, id only for a second, seeing that little kitten with its dark, wondering eyes and its soft, fluffy fur.  Then, it walked away, almost taking my sanity with it, and again I began to descend into that dark, deep hole that was now my mind.

But I knew that was not the end.  Deep down I knew hope existed, somewhere, somehow.  I continued to walk thinking of friends and of family; loved ones and those who cared about me and were always looking out for me.  I felt comforted, I almost felt alive.

And alive was good.  I felt like I was a bran new toy just out of the factory, ready to hit the shelves and start a new life of helping others and making them happy.  Alive was more than good, it was great, it was awesome, it was pure amazing!  I was so ready to be alive, and I finally was.

Now I approached a crosswalk.  The light was green and cars sped up and down the road all in a hurry as people rushed to get wherever they were trying to get to.  The signal was a stop sign saying I could not walk yet.  So I stopped and waited for the walk signal.  I waited and waited some more.  I began to grow impatient as I stood there and the cars continued to zoom by.  As I began to get angry I realized that I had neglected to press the button on the light pole.  All this time it had been my problem that I had not started to do something about.  I had not taken the first step in finding a solution.  Feeling sheepish, I pressed the button and waited.  Soon after the signal said I could walk.  So I did.  I walked on.