Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Flesh Eaters and Sleeping Gorgeous

The swamp bubbled sickeningly and the moon cast strange shadows across the surface.  Some dark clouds floated menacingly about the sky, and what stars could be seen were faint and unfriendly looking.  The dead trees that stood as sentinels on the shore around the swamp had branches like claws and their trunks had eerie knots and twists in the wood that made them look like they had faces.  The only sounds were that of the thick swamp mud churning and the howl of wolves in the distance.  There was a very slight breeze and a fowl stench filled the air.

A cloaked and hooded figure stood on the edge of the swamp, face hidden in shadow, eyes faintly glowing a dreadful shade of blue.  The figure stood absolutely still, watching the center of the swamp as if waiting for something to happen there.  After a few moments the swamp mud began to bubble and spit more violently and slowly a second cloaked figure rose from the muck.  It rose out of the slush and slowly glided over the surface to where the other figure stood.  The made a soft hissing noise at each other and then made their way away from the swamp towards the trees that grew thicker until they were enclosed by dead tree after dead tree in a small forest.  The moon was blotted out by the man branches that hung over the two hooded figures like hands waiting to snatch them up.  The figures walked silently through the forest until they came to an open area.  It was flooded with moonlight and the large rectangular stone table in the middle of the clearing was lit up brightly.  Tied to the table was the body of a beautiful woman.  A lifeless, motionless body that was pale and stiff.  The eyes were staring endlessly into nothing.  The two figures approached and stood on either side of the stone table.

"The others shall be arriving soon," hissed one of the figures to the other.

"Good," it hissed back.

They stood still and silent for almost an hour before more hooded figures began to emerge from the trees.  They all gathered in a large circle around the body tied to the table.  One figure, taller than all the rest spoke up in its hissing sort of voice.

"Brothers," it began, "we have been in hiding for hundreds of years.  The light kept us away.  Cowering in our holes, in crevices, in he deep murk of the swamp.  But now, our time has come to emerge.  The darkness is taking over once again.  Tonight, we perform the Flesh-Eating Ceremony, causing the darkness to become more powerful destroy all light.  Brothers...let the Ceremony begin.  Feast on the flesh of this lifeless mortal."

The Flesh Eaters began to move in towards the body on the table.  Then out of the forest burst a bright light.  A tall, broad-chested man astride a snow white horse rushed forth, followed by other mounted knights as well.  The leader was dressed in golden armor with silvery-white trimming.  The other knights were armored in white armor, all mounted white steeds.  They trampled down the dark hooded figures, cutting at them with shining blades of glory.  After the short battle the leader dismounted and approached the woman's body tied to the table.  He drew a silver dagger from his belt and cut her bonds.

"The Lady Emily!" said the knights as they bowed on their knees.

"Is she...dead, my lord?"  asked one knight looking up at the leader.

"No, she is not," he said sheathing his dagger.  "She is merely sleeping, but she is close to death."

"What can we do?"  asked the knights.

"You can do nothing...but I...I shall kiss her upon her lips, and breath life back into her body," and with that the leader bent over and kissed her.  Her skin became colored again and she began to move.  Her eyes closed and then opened again as if she was just waking up.  The leader stepped back looking at her lovingly.  She smiled at him and sat up.

"Thank you brave knights," she spoke to them all.  "You have rescued me and shall all be rewarded greatly.  Not only that, but you have destroyed the dark lords of the underworld and helped restore light to our kingdom once again!"

The knights all cheered and mounted their horses and began to ride back towards the castle.  The lead knight mounted his horse and held his hand to the Lady Emily.  She smiled and took it and he pulled her into th back of his horse, and they rode forth into the light.

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