Wednesday, May 8, 2013


"Well I don't know what to tell you Matt," said Jim swishing the beer around in his mug.  They sat on bar stools at the bar counter, and were finishing up their first glasses of bear, soon to start on their seconds.

"She won't answer her phone at all...I don't know what to do man," Matt sighed.  He felt ashamed.

"Maybe you should try just going home?" suggested Jim.

"No, she told me she'd call the cops if I came back..."  Matt grumbled as he sipped his beer.

"Well I just don't know what to tell you man,"  Jim repeated.

Matt and his wife, Amanda, had been arguing.  They'd been married for three years now.  The first two years had been awesome, magical, and completely fairy-tale.  They both had great jobs, and loved each other, but things changed a year ago.  For some reason they began fighting, a lot; usually about stupid things that they never remembered.  So now they both still had great jobs, but their marriage was less than fantastic.  Last night, things had gotten out of hand.  Matt had gotten home from work, and made dinner for himself, but none for Amanda.  He had thought she would be getting back late from the hospital, and being as tired as he was decided to not make her any food.  She had gotten back just as he was finishing his dinner, and seeing that he had not made any for her as he usually did, she was upset.  So thus the argument started.  Matt didn't know why or how he had gotten so angry, but he did remember yelling, screaming at the top of his lungs, then steeping towards her and smacking her across the cheek.  She had stepped back and stared at him in surprise as tear filled her eyes and began rolling down her cheeks.  He had backed away from her, appalled at himself.  She had told him to get out, and that if he came back she would call the cops.  He had grabbed his keys and a jacket, got into his truck and driven away.  He drove to Jim's house, and Jim's wife Clair said it would be good for them to go out and talk.  Jim and Clair were always happy, and even if they did argue it was always quietly and calmly talked out.  Matt admired them for this, and wished that he could be as cool as Jim.  So here they sat at the bar, talking, drinking beer, trying to figure out what Matt should do.

"What if she won't take me back?" Matt asked sadly.

"Naw man, just give her some space, " replied Jim, "I bet you anything Clair is talking with her right now.  She'll cool down and you guys will talk it out, it'll be fine man...I don't know...just wait it out.  Women can be very forgiving, trust me.  Clair's forgiven me for some really crappy stuff: Amanda will come around, don't worry.  But Matt, I swear if you ever hit her again I'll beat the shit out of you."

"That sounds like a good deal, Jim," said Matt with a smile, but he knew Jim wasn't joking, and neither was he.  He was glad they were friends.

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