Monday, February 13, 2023

Move Along


Mister fantastic all made of elastic

Got tight grip holding onto grandma’s basket

Bring home the bacon like the man of the house

Mumbling the thank you as low as a mouse

You don’t hear the door slam cuz nobody cares

Forget your troubles start running scared

Granted were taking all this for granted

The little things notice it’s all become slanted

I’ll thank you later and you’ll move right along

I think we’re all waiting for the end of the song

A little bit of mischief might go a long way

But your feet start bleeding by the end of the day

A sleepless morning into sleepless night

Makes you start to wonder if we got this right

Smash the glass if it makes you feel better

Forgive us our debts if we forgive our debtors

Everybody lookin at me like I’m made of something

Got some lint in my pocket and I’m thinking about nothin

Don’t step on my toes I’m all out of patience

Sick of all the self righteous mother fuckin statements

Laugh at my back cuz I can’t afford to care

But I’ll look you in the eye if you wanna clear the air

When you miss the point every single day

It finally catches up when the time comes to pay

Look at me go, look at me stay

Do you have another point, or can I be on my way?

I don’t like this don’t really wanna fight this

Trust me when I say I’m the furthest one from righteous

But mark my words I don’t wanna run

When every day feels like the barrel of a gun

You got some nerve, comin at me

I got some nerve choosing to see

Apples and oranges making us sick

Bend over backwards to get hit with a stick

I think maybe we all missed the point

Now kick off my shoes and blow this joint

Let me wrap this up by saying something dramatic

There’s no point in trying unless you try drastic

Failing is an option for anyone now

You wanna try harder but you don’t know how

You can give up now or give up in the end

But you make the choices to receive or send

If you play with fire you know you’ll get burned

If you keep it up they assume you never learned

Little do they know that you just don’t care

Cuz no matter what you do they all just stare

And you’re done giving fucks because why should you

No one else does and you know that it’s true

Asking questions gets answers every place

And you realize how behind you are in this race

Buckle down hard and keep up the pace

If you move along you can keep holding face