Tuesday, January 4, 2022


February 14th, 1948
    Late last night, shortly after moving into my new home, I heard someone crying outside my window. It sounded like a little girl so I went to the window to see. She sounded very sad, perhaps she was hurt. When I peered through the curtains there she  was, kneeling beside one of the graves with her face in her hands. It was a sad sight. I tapped on my window, wanting to give her a wave and a smile, but as she turned I was shocked at the lack of her face. Where her face should have been it was just blank, only skin. I stumbled back and tripped over my bed. I was breathing heavily but I went back to the window to check if the girl was still there. Of course she was now gone. I didn't sleep that night.

July 17th, 1948
    I heard someone moving around outside my door. I went to the door and cracked it open. A man was walking down the hall in his night gown. He was muttering to himself. I was about to close my door quietly, when he turned around and saw me there.
    "George?" he called to me. "George!" He began heading towards me.
    I quickly shut the door. My name wasn't George and this man was clearly disturbed. He was now outside my door knocking on it, calling for George over and over again. I simply leaned against my door praying the man would go away. He began pounding more and more intensely and shouting loudly. I almost felt bad for him. It was only another minute before someone came to get him. His shouting echoed down the hall. I crawled back into bed and finally fell asleep.

March 8th, 1949
    The doctor came in today to tell me I have to take a new medication. I'm really starting to not trust him. Something is off about him, I can feel it. This is the third time in the past two months now he's had me take something different. I think he's using me as an experiment. I think he's using me to test these drugs. I need to find some sort of proof. 

August 10th, 1949
    I think he's onto me. He put me on grave duty. I now spend most of my time outside, which sounds nice, but it's tending to the graveyard. It creeps me out being around all the gravestones. Even in the daytime I swear I still hear voices, and that little girl crying. I still see her at night sometimes. Sometimes we have to dig new graves. Any day now mark my words. Any day now I'll be digging my own grave.

September 3rd, 1949
    I'm still alive but the doctor isn't. He thought he'd get me but I got him first. I'm watching from my window as they dig his grave. I heard he's got no family so they're just burying him right here on the island. They won't let me out of my room but that's ok, I'm safe for now, now that the doctor is gone. Hopefully whoever replaces him isn't so bad. But if they are, I know what to do. I know what to do to anyone who's bad to me.

January 15th, 1950
    Everyone is dead. Well everyone of the staff. I don't know how I did it but I did. There's a whole lot of blood, but I'm sure someone will clean that up. I'm going to go free everyone else. I can already hear them. They are singing my praises. They are worshipping me. I saved them all. 

January 17th, 1950
    The island is mine, and everyone on it is safe. Even the staff have rejoined us. Reminds me of Revelations. Revelations 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. I wiped away their tears, death is no more. The former things truly have passed away. Now to save the rest of the world.