Wednesday, November 15, 2017

RuDe PeRsOn

"He suffers from a new illness called Narcissisticism."

"That's not really new is it?  I mean lots of people are narcissistic..."

"Yes, but this is a much more serious case, that doctors have finally decided to label.  You see what happens with Narcissisticism is the person suffers from the delusion that they are the most important person in the world. What makes it sad is that the poor people who suffer from this are fully aware of it, it must be so painful for them."

" they think they're the most important person in the world...but they know that they aren't?"

"No, they think they are, they're just self-aware that they think they're the most important person, and so they're stuck in an endless cycle of narcissism that they know they have but can't help."

"Ok...not totally following you...but umm....well, what are the symptoms of it?"

"Well people who suffer from this disease typically interrupt people frequently, they'll often cut people off on the road while driving, or even cut in line at a store.  They tend to complain to managers about anything and everything when they go out.  They never hold the door open for other people, and they never, EVER say bless you if someone sneezes.  Also if you ever do anything nice for them they'll very rarely say thank you, and in the near impossible event that they've done something for you in which you thank them, there is about a 98.7% chance that they will not say you're welcome.  Not the LAST, but the last major symptom at least, is that they literally will act like everyone works specifically and only for them.  So yeah, there's a lot more symptoms but those are the major ones."

"......that just sounds like a rude person."