Thursday, March 28, 2013

Never Let Go

The group came back from the town and entered the mess hall.  Boots that had stumped through the slush tracked muddy footprints across the floor, but no one cared, people just wanted to get something warm to drink.

He was sitting in front of the fire reading a book when she passed him.  He smiled at her but she looked away quickly and kept following the crowd towards the kitchen.  Slowly the crowd began to dwindle as people got their coffee or coco and made their way back to the dorms.  He got up, closed his book and set it on the hearth and entered the kitchen.  She was standing there talking with friends.  He made himself a cup of coffee and while he did so her friends left, but she lingered.  He began talking with his own friends and was about to leave the building with them when she called his name.  He looked back at her and she began fixing herself a cup of coffee.  He told his friends he would catch them later and returned to the kitchen.  They were alone now.  She was taking her time making her coffee.

"How you been, kid?" he asked her, watching her.   She paused for a split second but then continued what she was doing, not saying a word.  "Hey, how are ya?"  He said again, this time in a low, deep voice, trying to make her laugh.  She stopped and looked at him, tears in her eyes.  She shook her head and tried to go back to making her coffee.  She failed, knocking the cup over and spilling the contents across the counter.  She broke down crying, leaning against the edge of the counter.

"Hey..." he said, "come 'ere."  He took her in his strong arms and held her tightly.  She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder, her body shaking with sobs.  "Shush now, you're fine."  He said gently, leaning his head against her's.

"I missed you..." she said between sobs.

"I know," he said, "I missed you too..."

"Please...don't....don't ever..." she stammered.

"Don't you worry, I won't ever let you go again."

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bloody Snow

He had tripped and fallen, bashed his head on a rock.  It cracked his head open.  Blood spilled everywhere, staining the crunchy new fallen snow around him.  His vision blurred and all he could do was lay there staring up at the trees as he slowly lost consciousness due to blood loss.
Am I dying? he thought to himself.  Is this really it, or will someone find one knows where I am...
The world went black.

The next day a hiker's dog found the body, and the hiker called the park rangers.  He was dead, he had bled out from his head, and judging by the splatter on the rock they guess that he had fallen and hit his head.

"This is why you don't hike alone," said one of the rangers to his partner.

"Yeah, now we're going to have to call this guys family and tell them the bad news."

"Stuff like this is what makes me hate my job, Ben."

"I hear ya Ralph, I hear ya."