Sunday, December 16, 2012

What to write about?

So I was sitting around pondering things, thinking of anything and everything.  So yes, I was bored.  I seriously could not figure out what I wanted to do. I tired reading.  Nope, too boring.  Tried playing a video game, got bored pretty quick (WHAT??!?!), so then I tried watching TV, nothing good on, it got old really fast.  So then I decided to sit down and write in my blog only to realize, I have really nothing I want to write about!  So here I am writing this short, pointless, meaningless, blog post for you to read.  Aren't you happy I gave you SOMETHING to read at least?  

So now since I'm done writing already, I'm going to go and do nothing again (or am I?).  So yeah, bye whoever is reading this.  Don't be bored like me, it really is rather a dull situation.