Friday, September 14, 2012

What Happened to Mr. Bill

A very wealthy man was old Mr. Bill
He owned a large house on the top of a hill
He had more money that he knew what to do with
So he spent most on a second home on a cliff
The home stuck out right over the sea
Mr. Bill could watch the waves while drinking afternoon tea
But one day there was a rather unfortunate event
It seemed Mr. Bills life had been totally spent
A rather rough storm blew in from the south
It was so strong it knocked over the house
Down and down the home went into the water
Mr. Bill died with no family, no wife, no son, no daughter
And with no will, the money was given to charity
A rich man with no will is quite a rarity
Though Mr. Bill thought his lifestyle fit him like a glove
His last thoughts as he fell, were that he had missed out, on love.
So the moral of the story to me is quite clear
I hope you understand, not to hold money so dear.